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Suggested by @dreemy_girl 

Favourite writer of countless Pakistanis reader on Wattpad (scratch that she might even have fans from other nationalities but anyways) who has written about 10 books. A mature, capable and an experienced writer who updates quick enough for her awaiting audience. @ThatPakistaniGurl started writing only to pass time but her readers and time have given her the motivation for writing more and more.

A devoted reader @dreemy_girl, of @ThatPakistaniGurl, has shared her thoughts on the writer's way of writing.

She writes the best Desi stories like Humsafar, sadqay tumhare(my most favorite) And now her Kuch Pyar Ka Pagal pan is setting the fire. She describe the emotions so beautifully that one could not help but fall in love with the characters.

Who motivated you to start writing?

To be honest, there was no motivation at all. Just boredom and I had so many thoughts in my head that I just wanted to write them down somewhere. I started from fanfictions but always wanted the stories to be understood more deeply so I just switched and started to write normal things. Glad that I did it since it's working out kinda okay so far. 

Where do you get inspiration for your content from?

Well, inspiration comes from cliche storylines and my personal late night thoughts that I convert into plots. 

Aha okayy

Did you ever expect your book to flourish to such an extent?

I mean, I wanted humsafar to do well since I was deeply attached with the character Hassan but I never thought people would like sadkey. It's surprising and so heartwarming. I always thought I wouldn't be able to get past twitter, which was my first story. Then elites were well liked and then Humsafar, Humdard and now sadqay. It's pretty great haha. 

Well, you are a great writer so why not!?

How do you tackle haters?

I haven't really faced any hate, just criticism at times. If it's a fair one, I accept it and if it's unfair, I just let it go and move on or argue. Depends on my mood lol. Plus I have a few loyal readers here who defend me lol. 

Outside and inside Wattpad, name your top 3 favorite writers?

Well, Khaled Hosseini is my all time favourite author..cora Riley, skye waren, yasmina khadra etc...theres a lot more but eh these are my favs.

How often do you update your books?

I update pretty often tbh. I finished sadkey in like four five months even though it is around 200k words. 

Oh, we have got a passionate writer over here.

How long does it take you to write a chapter and how many words does it usually contain?

Usually, they contain around 1k to 2k but nowadays my chapters do exceed around 4 to 5k words. I write the dialogues first and then fill in the descriptions later since I find that easy to write. 

4-5K is too much!!!

If offered, will you want to collaborate with a writer and write a book? 

I tried to do so once a very long time ago when I was new to wattpad but the other girl was sweet but also very lazy? I don't know, she wanted to write a story but also wanted me to wait for months just so she could write her parts. I don't think I can collab with anyone, I like writing on my own. Acha hai, bura hai, bus apna hona chahiye. 


How did you come up with your username? 

I don't even know, my previous username was so lame, I thought I should change it and here we are.

What kind of reactions do you expect from your readers?

I love reading comments so I want all kinds of reactions tbh.


How did you discover Wattpad?

How did I discover Wattpad? Lmao. I was a one direction fan, how could I not know about Wattpad.

When did you start writing? 

Around the end of 2016, I think? Damn, it's been long.

It is and you are experienced as well.

What do you like most and least about writing?

I like writing the dramatic parts, almost hate the romance parts if they aren't painful.

What is the reason for your writing? 

Lots of reasons. Boredom, crazy thoughts, crazy plots, mood, etc.

If you could be any character out of any of your book who would you choose and why?

I would be Anaaya from Humsafar any day. She was strong and independent from day one and didn't take anything from her husband at all. At the same time, she was equally invested, in love and respected him just as much.

What is one advice you would give to a new writer?

The advice is to not follow any advice, just let out whatever you feel and what your thoughts are. Too much advice can only mess one up.

Haha, nice and different one!

Thank you so much @ThatPakistaniGurl for being a part of this interview book. It was great reading your answers...

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