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 A very talented writer with books that are wonders of every reader of hers. Not a chapter of her book exists which make her readers disappointed and is that kind of author whose books are recommended to friends and family.
The spiritual content is seen throughout which uplift every Muslim's deen.

The books that are written with loving intent to open more doors than it closes or locks. It is the gentle nudge, the wise whisper, the touch of one who nurtures.

Many have been motivated by the writing @quruxley pens, each and every reader has their own story on how they changed themselves.

The description is taken by www.descriptionari.com 

@quruxley has a book of arts as well where she shows various kind of artworks.

True art is channeled through the loving heart, guided by emotions that stir the soul to love bonds and the sort of imagination that is free and child-like in its sense of wonder and joy.

The painting dominates the walls, every colour is bold and painted with such precise lines that it almost looks like a mosaic.

Thoughts of some readers of @quruxley:


Quruxley has an amazing gift of bringing fictional characters to life in the imagination of her readers. Her talent in creating suspense in her books make readers excited for the rest of the story. Not just this but her stories are Islamic and represent how a true Muslim should live. Her stories have strengthened my faith and have made me want to better myself as a Muslim living in the 21st century.


Quruxley is an amazing writer and I'm glad that this one day at school I was so bored, a random friend and I started talking and ended up on a discussion on Wattpad books. That's when she introduced me to @quruxley and as soon as I landed on her profile, her book 'It All Started With A Dare' caught my eye. I finished it faster than any other book and decided to read the rest of her works as well. I am so glad and honored to have the chance to express my feelings for this super talented writer! I am very blessed to have come across her books, and I wish her all the best for the future! May your talent fly high and reach many others and I hope you start publishing your fantastic works. Good Luck! ❤

Who motivated you to start writing?

My uncle actually did without him knowing loll. He had published a few Somali stories that became legends and I was always inspired by that. I guess it's just in my blood.

That's amazing, I wonder if he knows now what he has done to Wattpad community because we love your books!

Where do you get inspiration for your content from?

I get inspired by literally anything. It happens usually when I'm not trying to write anything. Fun fact, I came up with It All Started With A Dare when I was lying down on my couch out of nowhere. The title just popped in my mind and then everything else flowed naturally.

Wow, that is just amazing!

Did you ever expect your book to flourish to such an extent?

Alhamdulillah never expected my stories to touch as many people as it has. If you told 3 years ago that I would eventually have a story that's almost reaching 700k reads I would tell you to shut up. I never really wrote for reads so I didn't expect anything to come out of it. But nonetheless, I'm so grateful for everyone who took time out of their days to read my crappy writings.

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