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Suggested by @ColdDragonOrignals 

@shruxfantasia has blessed her readers with 4 beautiful books, 2 each for 2 very famous Tv shows.

Our Little Bliss is a book of the writer's favourite couple's daughter and the readers are more than glad to read this book.

The writer has also written shots on Adiya and her this work has received so much love from her readers.

We have some lines for @shruxfantasia by her readers.

@ColdDragonOrignals says:
She is a great writer firstly, then she is also a beautiful reader. Her comments give you so much joy. Every writer deserves a reader like her. She is a sweetheart and can also make beautiful covers. She is multitalented and I absolutely adore her and respect her a lot.

@nimrawaraich246 says:
I have no words to express her writing skills, I love her stories from the core of my heart her stories are impressive!

Who motivated you to start writing?

My first trials (in French) were published on my sky blog after reading a few Indian fanfictions. But then I left it not much interested. And then I could give the credits to TV shows and fans for making me write again. It was during Ishq Ka Rang Safed days that I opened my diary once again. So those who motivated me will be fan fiction writers who I still get to learn how to write, shows, OTPs. 


Where do you get inspiration for your content from?

Honestly telling, under the shower. *awkward smile*I also get more ideas while writing something. And often end up writing lots of blah blah blah. And last but not least, talking to one closest friend. 

By 'under the shower' I mean (for those who didn't understand) that I am used to having inspiration while I would be relaxed, which is often during shower times. But yeah, it must be "I often get inspiration when I feel relaxed. And lectures are also a great source of inspiration, especially when they are so boring."

Oh great!

Did you ever expect your book to flourish to such an extent?

I honestly started writing because I just wanted to share whatever little ideas I used to get time to time. I had no real purpose to earn through it. I just feel very much happy even when I'd read a "Nice!", "Lovely!" in the comment section. I still have to learn a lot. *smiles wide*

Haha, you deserve every comment.

How do you tackle haters?

 I am still not a really great writer to have a hater. *not at all trying to show off* 

Outside and inside Wattpad, name your top 3 favorite writers?

Inside it's @Aishu_Writes, @filesilenceie_ and @QuerenciaHaven. 

I would also add @Sh_aarohi & @ColdDragonOrignals actually 3 isn't enough.

3 outside (mostly Indian Forums): Jcluvs_srk, LoveAnushka (Jasmine; she's publishing on Wattpad as well), vandana21

They would be amazing!

How often do you update your books?

I am a lazy, not at all regular and punctual writer that could take weeks to update because of my personal busy schedule.

How long does it take you to write a chapter and how many words does it usually contain?

It always depends on how inspired I could be. Sometimes I could write quite a lot at a time, sometimes even being free I would be stuck on my own ideas. I usually try to make long chapters of around 2,500 words, more or less.

How did you come up with your username?

My username ?! Even I don't really know. I actually love Mickey Mouse quite a lot, and with the fact I was having lots of fantasies/ideas, I remembered of 'Fantasia'. So I just used one of my several nicknames and that one. 

Oh right!

If offered, will you want to collaborate with a writer and write a book?

I would love to, of course. Together we could make better.

Such a positive approach.

What kind of reactions do you expect from your readers?

Honest commentary, whether praises or criticism. Because readers' point of views always help writers.


How did you discover Wattpad?

I think going through social media.

When did you start writing?

My first trials were written around 8 years ago. But then I seriously started writing 3 years ago, 2016.

Oh, so you have a good experience!

What do you like most and least about writing?

Most: hard to believe I can do so, but to imagine your own scenarios is actually fun and creative.

Least: I have weak writing and I fear not to be enough convenient.

What is the reason for your writing?

Just looking for a new me that 'can write'. I want to improve my way of redacting.

If you could be any character out of any of your book who would you choose and why? 

Diya (Aditya & Zoya's daughter) because I would have loved to be that pampered child of two kids like parents. (I haven't written a lot, so I didn't have many options to choose someone)

What is one advice you would give to a new writer?

I am a new writer but still, I would just say: "You must love what you do, not do it as a duty for someone else. You write because you wish to open up your creativity and imagination to the world. So believe in yourself and not numbers!"

Amazing advice!

Thank you so much @shruxfantasia for taking out time. It was a pleasure to have you and an amazing experience as well!

Sorry for the delay!

Don't forget to vote and shower the comment section with your beautiful comments, I love reading them!

In Sha Allah, the next writer will be out soon!

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