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I know 3 writers on wattpad who have 100's of readers but deserve 1000's or more than that and you are 1 of them!

@amytwilight269990 absolutely love your book and I would recommend to everyone to give it a try.

Her Bridge of Legacy (She was born to be a princess), a book with a common idea but full of shock, there are so many times when I just felt like killing you, as you killed so many people but that is a part of every book.

Girl of the Night, a different and unique book, a book which motivates about how Katniss faces difficulties and how her friend Dylan after losing so many people still has hope and fights along with Katniss bravely telling her the truth she never knew.

Undead, my favorite book, it is again full of shock, it is the book which I can't even describe and the only solution to it is to go and check it out!

We will have an interview today of a great writer who portrays every chapter on point and never fails to disappoint her readers in any chapter who leaves her readers at every end of chapter astonished and them in wait for next chapter.

Who motivated you to start writing a book?

Basically, my favourite writers motivated me and a friend of mine. I've always wanted to publish my own book.

Where do you get the inspiration of your content from?

The first book just came to me as I went along.

 The plot of Her Bridge of Legacy I made when I was nine. So I just kinda modified the plot and wrote it down.

The girl Of the Night was inspired by the friends' cousin who died of XP. Yes, XP is a real disease and for those of you who haven't read my book then I'll tell you what XP is. It's a disease where the sufferer is allergic to solar rays so basically, he or she can't go out in the sun or the rays will cause skin cancer and other deadly skin diseases.

The third book(Undead) is actually not inspired by anyone but just by a dream I had. I had this dream and when I woke up, this story just came to my head so I wrote down the plot and published it. 

Even I was shocked that XP is a real disease I thought it is just a made-up disease.

Outside and inside Wattpad, who are your top 3 favorite writers?

Inside wattpad, my favorite writers are @star_that_shines and @VeraMicic and @sajmra. Outside wattpad my favorite are James Dashner, Veronica Roth, and Suzanne Collins. 

Oh, these are my favorite too!

How often do you update your book and why does it take too long?

At first, I updated my book every week but it's been a month since I last updated my book. this is because I just moved to Canada and I'm kinda adjusting with school and tests, I've been busy. But...I've been working on the next chapter and I'm sure it's gonna come out soon.

Yepp and lately many chapters are updated.

How long does it take you to write a chapter and how many words does it usually contain?

It depends on the number of words. most of my chapters have above 1500 words so it takes maybe two hours or sometimes a few days. My recent chapters are above 2500 words long and they took me one day to write.

Pretty much!

If offered, will you want to collab with a writer and write a book?

Yes... I would love to collab with a writer. But, of course, it depends on the writer and the story. but if I get offered then yes...

What kind of reactions do you expect from your readers?

Well...I'm not a professional writer...yet. But, I want my readers to feel suspense and surprise. I want my book to make readers look forward to the next chapter. I may not be the best writer but I'm getting there.

That is 100% true, chapter by chapter storyline is getting amazing!

How did you discover Wattpad?

A friend of mine, who is a great writer but she took off her book a few years ago, introduced me to Wattpad. At first, I thought wattpad was boring because it wasn't very popular and didn't have great books at first but now there are many talented writers on wattpad whose books deserve to be published.


When did you start writing?

I started writing about 6 months ago. At that time I wasn't very busy which resulted in me moping around here and there. The writing was a good way to use my extra time productively.

If you could be any character out of any of your book, who would it be and why?

If I could be any character out of my book, I'd be Katherine from The Bridge Of Legacy.

Uh of course!!! your obsession with princesses!

What one advice will you give to a new writer?

Follow your dreams. You may not be a good writer at first but every story you write, every word you write makes you better and better. Practice makes Perfect. Also, never listen to people who criticize because haters are gonna hate.

Hmm, true

What do you like most and least about writing?

The thing I like most about writing is that writing makes me disappear into a world of imagination. It's like whenever I'm having a tough time, I can leave this tough life by writing which lets my mind wander into the world of imagination. The least I like about writing is that sometimes when I'm not in the mood and I have to write then the same hobby that I enjoy becomes a burden. I hate it when I have a due date and I have to write something before that whether it's a book or an essay for school.


What is the reason for your writing?

Well like I said, writing helps me slip into another world. And when I started writing...I had a lot of free time which I would waste doing absolutely nothing. Writing is an art and this art helped me manage my time by doing something productive.

Would you like to add anything? (A message to readers maybe)Readers don't be ghost/silent readers. If you like a chapter or a book please vote and comment. I used to be a ghost reader too...until I started writing and realized how much votes and comments mean to a writer so please appreciate something if you like it and thank you so much for reading my book!


Thank you so much @amytwilight269990 for being part of this interview. It was lovely to know about you!

This interview was honestly the best so far, I loved how everything is framed so perfectly!

Thanks a lot for adding this book to your library or giving it a chance.

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