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The writer of addictive, awe-inspiring, charismatic and engaging books.

A very famous story written by @Hafsa_Sabih 'Black hearts meet Red' is truly an inspirational book leaving a moral behind. 

The writer has her words with the description, the way she describes every single little thing keeping us involved and feeling the book playing in the back of our minds. That is something not everyone is able to accomplish.

@dreemy_girl's thoughts on @Hafsa_Sabih.

She has written only two stories right now, 'The Awaiting Bride' and 'Black hearts meet Red.' Her description is also lovely, I mean it feels like everything is happening in front of my eyes. Her writing is so beautiful. And I love her plots so much.

Certainly @dreemy_girl, thanks for taking out time! Let's get started with the interview!!!

Who motivated you to start writing?

No one motivated me to write. It just came to my mind that maybe I could do this and giving my self a chance, I wrote what I had in mind and Boom it came out pretty well. And later on, of course, my mother and family encouraged me.

That's awesome!

Where do you get inspiration for your content from?

I get inspiration from what my eyes see and what my ears hear. It's really important for me to observe everything. And I am also very sensitive. So, literally, I note everything because observation opens your mind. My inspiration is also what I cannot do, I write it. If I cannot do something then at least I let my characters be rebellious and do that. *Shrugs shoulder*


Did you ever expect your book to flourish to such an extent?

No, I did not expect my book to reach the height it stands today. And I am very thank full to the readers who supported me and encouraged me to keep on going. Every word that's been said to me, to encourage me, really moves me and makes me write better. It helps me, groom, ☺

Ma Sha Allah that's amazing!

How do you tackle haters?

ALHAMDULILLAH, I don't have haters. I can count on my fingers, there are actually approx three comments that might make me a little sad to read but overall I've got an amazing response and love.

Alhamdullilah great!

Outside and inside Wattpad, name your top 3 favorite writers?

Inside Wattpad I have a long list of favourites but nonetheless, I'd like to say,

@ShamaKhuvahish, @Your_Amazyn, and @LailaMehtab

 And Outside Wattpad: Colleen Hoover, John Green, and Roald Dahl.

How often do you update your books?

I am not writing nowadays but when I am writing I update often, sometimes it's every night "late night update" but I do get late sometimes and days pass before my readers get an update.


How long does it take you to write a chapter and how many words does it usually contain?

Writing a chapter actually takes a lot of mind work. I have to think of every scene and scenario and all the lines before I am ready to write it down. Also, I publish the first draft so when in the middle of the bed, I am lying on my pillow with my phone before me, I have to make scenes and I have to think at the same moment and I have to write it also. It takes almost 3 hours to write a chapter. But sometimes I start to write a chapter but I feel that something's missing so I leave it and take a day or two to complete it and publish. My word count is 2000 and sometimes it exceeds this and sometimes it's only 1700 or something.

If offered, will you want to collaborate with a writer and write a book?

It depends on the storyline. I am not very sure about this but again it depends on the situation. I feel that I write a little differently and I am very sure that my thinking differs a lot. But if in a collaboration, I am working with someone then I am likely to get experience and that change would be good. We'll see.

How did you come up with your username?

I chose my name as my username thinking that this is the real me. It feels very natural and It makes me happy that "oh I've written a book" The feeling is great.

I love this answer!

What kind of reactions do you expect from your readers?

I expect that they understand the perspective. I expect that I leave them in suspense and they know it and that they stay connected and eager to know and read more. And ALHAMDULILLAH what I've expected I have gotten it. I expect that they understand the message I am delivering and they sense the fear and the love and all the other emotions that my character are going through.

How did you discover Wattpad?

How I discovered Wattpad- this is actually a very interesting question. In grade 10, my best friend would narrate me a story by Laila Mehtab because she used to read it and I had no clue about Wattpad. But my interest was on the peak because the story was absolute love. I got so hitched that just after my exams I downloaded Wattpad and now life seems colourless without Wattpad.

Same, I can't imagine what I did when I didn't know about Wattpad!?

When did you start writing?

I started to write a draft 2 years ago but I never published it and not do I plan to do so but I officially started to write almost a year ago.

What do you like most and least about writing?

What I like most about writing is that, what I cannot say in words, I can always write it down. For me writing also holds something emotional, when there are feelings and emotions I feel that context touches your heart deeply and some words and lines tend to leave their marks. And yes when I have started writing it feels as if there is no going back and I wish to write more and more. For the least part, there is no least in writing except that you want desperately want to write something and you have pending loads of work.

True, you have a platform to endure your words in which can impact many!

What is the reason for your writing?

My reason for writing is Happiness. It gives me immense joy if I pen down something that is truly the creation of my own mind. It's something that belongs only to me and I am selfish enough to keep it that way. Also, there are so many things we cannot do, so many people we cannot meet, so many places we cannot travel to but we can always imagine ourselves doing that so while writing I make sure I am doing things which in reality I am missing out on. And writing makes me emotional, it makes me feel emotions more prominently. Writing is happiness.

A very beautiful answer!

If you could be any character out of any of your book who would you choose and why?

One character that I'd want to be would be Amal from "Black Hearts Meet Red" although she suffered a lot I would want to be here because her husband loves her a lot.

What is one advice you would give to a new writer?

My advice is - whatever your writing, in whatever language medium your writing BE YOU. Be confident that you can write it and believe in yourself that whatever you are doing is amazing. Don't freak out and don't panic believe me you are going to enjoy every bit of it. And you'll only learn more and gain more because you'll be discovering yourself in the way too. Just believe that you are important and everything is going to be just fine ☺☺

Amazing piece of advice and totally worth it!

Thanks a lot, @Hafsa_Sabih for taking out time and blessing us with amazing answers!

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