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Suggested by @Sh_aarohi and @Reebapappi

@chibixcheeks have written around 8 books showing her dying love for a Tv Show in her fan-fiction books. With every book being loved by her readers so much which keeps her going. Her writings reflect her passion and courage from her audience.

Some sentences by a reader of @chibixcheeks have expressed her feelings over the writer's writing and herself.

@Reebapappi says:

The writing styles of @chibixcheeks are fresh and different. Intelligent tracks with ample twists. 

She's friendly enough with her readers although she is really busy still she takes time to give awesome updates to her audience.

Hmmm, Now let's start with the interview.

Who motivated you to start writing?

I would have to say there were many people who had motivated me to start writing but the ones that I would give most credit to would be Chinese web authors who's work has been translated into English. I remember I would wake up and binge read English translated Chinese novels till the sun came down.


Where do you get inspiration for your content from?

All my books come from different inspirations. My first was a fan-fiction based on the couple Rikara called Marriage Contract and some of the inspiration came from sheer frustration that their story was lacking in the show. I Love My Anti-Fan was also a fan-fiction based on them but at that time I was re-watching sitcoms like "Friends, Seinfeld, and Frasier" so that was my motivation. "The King Also Wants" was obviously inspired by all the Chinese novels I read and Chinese dramas I had watched as a kid. 


Did you ever expect your book to flourish to such an extent?

When I first started writing I was surprised just how many people enjoyed it. 

How do you tackle haters?

I don't recall having a hater but if I did I would probably respond very defensively because I tend to be a very hot-tempered person LOL. Then after the exchange, I would delete the comment ahhahhah. However, I will always welcome constructive criticism because I find no hate in that.

Outside and inside Wattpad, name your top 3 favorite writers?

Hmm....some might find this surprising but I don't really read much on Wattpad. The only stories I managed to finish were written wonderfully by @Savina96 and @bevkufanu. For authors outside of Wattpad would be the many Chinese writers that also write fiction on the web. Thankfully many are translated in English.

Ohh In Sha Allah these writers are in my list to be interviewed as requested.

How often do you update your books?

I try my best to at least update once a week. 

That's pretty often!

How long does it take you to write a chapter and how many words does it usually contain?

I would say 2-3 hours since I tend to write and watch TV at the same time LOL. Back then I use to write long chapters but now that I have gotten lazy I would say 1500-2000 words. 

If offered, will you want to collaborate with a writer and write a book?

I would not because I would be the worse to collaborate with. I am a mother of 3 so I just can't commit to something like that.

Oh woww! 

How did you come up with your username?

My username chibixcheeks is what my friends call me. Chibi means small to which I am pretty short and I have really high cheekbones when I smile. Hence chibixcheeks.

Hmmm, in which language (just wondering).

What kind of reactions do you expect from your readers?

I tend to end my chapters with a worthy cliffhanger just so I can rile up my readers LOL. I find it entertaining when I am able to hook them to my stories. Evil? Yeah...I know. But deep down I know my readers love it. Right guys? LOL


How did you discover Wattpad?

One day I was bored at work and wanted to read some fan-fiction of Rikara and so google showed me the way to Wattpad.

When did you start writing?

Aww man...let me go check Wattpad to see...I'm old...December of 2017. 

What do you like most and least about writing? 

The thing I love most about writing is sharing my imagination with my readers. The least would have to be the writer's block. 

What is the reason for your writing?

Honestly, the reason would have to be just how much my readers enjoy my writing. I am simple really. I write —> you enjoy it —> you tell me—> I feel good—> so I will keep on writing. I guess you can say that writing is a fun hobby for me and not my passion.

If you could be any character out of any of your book who would you choose and why?

The Gauri from The King Also Wants because let's face it...who doesn't want to be a Badass Princess who will become a powerful Queen.


What is one advice you would give to a new writer?

If I had to give one advice to new writers it would be to focus on only one story that you enjoy writing. Use cliffhangers to keep readers on edge. I truly believe that with just one good book you will gain many loyal readers who will always check out your new work. Remember that this advice is coming from a person who writes as long as readers express to me that they enjoy it by voting or commenting. So if you are writing because it's your passion then I can point you towards some other writers I know for better advice LOL.

Haha, love that advice. True!

Thank you so much @chibixcheeks for taking out time from your busy schedule and being part of this. 

Do not forget to vote and shove some comments on my face!

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