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Some sentences by @rehmat_blessing to describe a writer who has her way with words @Galgaddott.

She is an amazing writer firstly, and then she is a beautiful reader. According to me, every writer deserves a reader like her. Being a reader herself, she knows exactly how to keep her readers hooked, involved and yearning for more with her books. Her writing skills are improving day by day.

Who motivated you to start writing?

My brother Harish, he firstly motivated me to write stories as he always says that I have a good imagination, I always spend my time by readings stories i.e. fan fiction, Epic stories!! He asked me why don't you try!! I was initially scared but the response and love for my story encouraged me to write more ❤️

Oh wow cool!

Where do you get inspiration for your content from?

Love stories and my favourite couple on I TV AdiYa and Jenshad, though I saw many series, This couple made me feel different and instigated me to write stories on them!

Did you ever expect your book to flourish to such an extent?

Of course yes, though there is a saying No expectations, No pain but When u do things well, U must expect the good results in return, Aren't you?

Indeed, but in my case then expectation hurts...lol jk

How do you tackle haters?

When you do a thing, Obstacles will come in our way...We should accept criticism only to rectify our mistakes and shape up ourselves the best!!

Love your answer!

Outside and inside Wattpad, name your top 3 favorite writers?

Outside Wattpad I love Charles Dickens, Ryan Foley, Kalki and Inside Wattpad, I love @Aishu_Writes @Sh_aarohi and @aru_010191.

How often do you update your books?

I update almost everyday I guess because I don't wanna disappoint my precious readers ❤️

Too consistent!

How long does it take you to write a chapter and how many words does it usually contain?

Probably It'll take 45 minutes, I usually use 599-700 words in each chapter.

If offered, will you want to collaborate with a writer and write a book?

Of course yes, but I didn't emerge as such a big and famous writer yet!

In Sha Allah' one day!

How did you come up with your username?

Because I love the actress Galgaddot since I was 12 after Jennifer Winget.

What kind of reactions do you expect from your readers?

Their expectations for my story and their lovable comments ❤️

How did you discover Wattpad?

I found this beautiful app on Instagram as my friends on Instagram showed me this app.


When did you start writing?

At the starting of March 2019.

What do you like most and least about writing?

What I like the most that I have a good storyteller in me...I never expected that people would love my story a lot and would show their immense love for my story!!

What is the reason for your writing?

It's my hobby and my pleasure to write...Since I was a child, I love to write in my free time...My desire for writing grew faster on me and instigated me to write on this beautiful platform because I love appreciation and love to accept criticism as well!!☺️

If you could be any character out of any of your book who would you choose and why?

Aditya Hooda from my story LOVE IS ETERNAL as that character is very understanding and knew the real meaning of love...Love is not loving someone who is alive and kicking, Love is loving someone listlessly even though our loved one is not with us!!!! I always become that character when I get to pen his dialogues and monologues!!

What is one advice you would give to a new writer?

Fall in Love with the wind, You will get the wings and Fly high and it leads to the destination which is good for u!!! Never Ever give up and don't get upset with criticism...Take it as a piece of advice for us to become the best and shape up ourselves better.

Amazing piece of advice!!!

Anything you had like to add?  

Nope, not at all...I really wanna thank you for providing me this wonderful opportunity to share my views on your creative questions... This is really a creative initiative which establishes a beautiful fraternity among the writers and readers on Wattpad...Hope that I didn't bore you all!!! Once again, I'll say thank you, Fatima, from the core of my heart...

You too!

All thanks to you @Galgaddott, I really enjoyed doing this interview with you, thank you for taking out time!

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