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@DawdlingSomewhere has written 2 stories (LIFE OVER KNIFE and FALL IN LOVE WITH REALITY) and 3 poetry books (I Won't Keep Quite, LOVE LIFE and INTIMACY).

Each and every chapter in her book motivates the one who thinks themselves worthless in life proofing how worth you are and it's not your fault.

I love the work 'FALL IN LOVE WITH REALITY' that you have penned down @DawdlingSomewhere and I can't wait to read further and know what happens to Amjad!

Who motivated you to start writing?

I saw my friend named Ilsa writing poems, flourished. I thought why can't I? She can I can too. So that is where I started writing one day and showed it to some of my friends. They said It was great and I felt motivated and knew I can be somewhere. I motivated myself and propelled to write. So you can say me myself and my friends had been motivational.

Your story of how you started writing is so much like mine!

Where do you get inspiration for your content from?

Well, everyone, I get to know inspires me to pen out his or her situation. As we live in a society where every third person goes through traumatized situations of their own kind. I write to let others know that maybe they can help them or something. So everyone even my own feelings at certain times Inspires me to write and let go off burden I have on my mind due to those ideas.


Did you ever expect your book to flourish to such an extent?

Well, when I first wrote I never knew if I would ever get a single vote. BUT people liked it voted for it. But above all, I knew that I had fun in writing so I never stopped and with the passage of time, my book had about 100 views and a couple of votes and I am grateful for each one to do so. But more to go. And I would like to say that there is always a disappointment factor in a person but if we mild it and get to believe ourselves that one day someone will read, we will write and practice will make you good. So I still have no expectation if my book gets more views, but I won't stop. 

That's great Ma Sha Allah!

How do you tackle haters?

Haters have always been walking through my life. I have a self-motivating personality (special thanks to God ) and that is the reason I know that if I will write I can do better so I must not stop. Many people tell me that am bad and I should stop but I take negative vibes as motivators and try my level best to prove them wrong that I can. So I guess it's better to not worry about haters but look at the positive aspect of every situation.


Outside and inside Wattpad, name your top 3 favorite writers?

Well, I like books that highlight grave issues of society so my favourite writers are till now Taha Kehar, William Shakespeare and Fyodor Dostoevsky but I like every single book I read in these past few months as every book opened new doors of ideas highlighting things in their own ways.

How often do you update your books?

I try to update them within 2 to 3 weeks or maybe sometimes I write in the story and simultaneously work on another one. So I write whenever a new idea pops up in my mind. So it depends but it never kind of took more than 2 weeks if some other situations have not loomed.

How long does it take you to write a chapter and how many words does it usually contain?

It takes about 30 minutes to an hour. And I don't count words I never did so sorry had no idea. Each chapter consists of its own number of words but I guess it's always 100 or more maybe. 

Oh, I didn't mean like that if you notice at the top left Wattpad automatically counts itself, that's what I meant.

If offered, will you want to collaborate with a writer and write a book?

I would love to collaborate but I guess for that his/her ideas and mine should not collapse because two people with same thoughts can write a good plot and good book but I would love to get an offer and write one for sure always, maybe it can produce a best-seller book.

How did you come up with your username?

I read the word 'Dawdling' in some novel named as 'Typically Taniya' by Taha Kehar and joined it with somewhere and wrote the name as a username because I am physically always present but my mind is always somewhere else in its own world. So I thought my mind wasting time somewhere taken metaphorically is the best username.

I can relate cuz I can't concentrate at anything at all as well!

What kind of reactions do you expect from your readers?

I don't expect any reaction. I hope that I serve them with the best content that they all can relate to. If they like it well good but if they don't then that's even good because it may help me flourish and be top notch at writing. But I expect them not to be rude but supportive if they like or don't because it may never affect me badly.

How did you discover Wattpad?

I got to know about this app through my friend @Samahaljaz who had been advising me to write it here and am thankful to her, I found Wattpad useful to deliver ideas so I started using it. 

When did you start writing?

As for now, my summer vacations are on so am basically free. I read 2 to 4 books and get some ideas so started to pen them down and I have been writing for a month only I guess.

Oh wow, and you have so many reads considering its been only a month. That's awesome!

What do you like most and least about writing?

I like most about writing is that it sets you free from your own thoughts, takes the burden of ideas away. It makes me feel good and confident in some eccentric way and the thing I like least well there is nothing I dislike about this. No matter who you are. You can or cannot but you should write as it can help you out in many ways and who knows some might like your writing style.

So motivating.

What is the reason for your writing?

I write to free myself from ideas and feelings or you can say emotions that may be attached to me because of my scrutiny or maybe due to my own situations.

If you could be any character out of any of your book who would you choose and why?

Well, I never wrote about a mentally strong person in my books but I would say that I would like to be Stansia from Life Over Knife as she was wise and strong and achieve the pinnacle of desires.

What is one advice you would give to a new writer?

I too am a new writer but I would like to say that never stop no matter how much people want you to. Always be an optimist and keep writing if you find it as a way to help you out in solitude etc.

Thank you so much @DawdlingSomewhere for taking out time and answering questions so brilliantly!

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