𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢-𝚃𝚠𝚘

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Spending the night bonding and getting caught up on the past few months, Roshaun pulled away from the group. Staying seated on the couch as he pulled his phone out his pocket.

He was serious about something bothering him and needing a females opinion on it, so he ran to the only person acceptable in this situation, his best friend Alessya. The mom of the group, of course if anyone knew something, it'd be her.

Pulling up his messages, he scrolled til he came across her name. Feeling bad to be texting her now, when he's in need, knowing he wasn't there for her when she was. They hadn't spoke since she moved.

midgetmama 🙄

hey ale.. I need some advice or insight.

hey my baby! what's wrong? 🥺

ok so like this has to be lowkey but idk I feel weird

wym by weird??

idk, like idk if I'm getting cheated on or if I'm just being jealous and paranoid..

ahhh roro has a gf and didn't tell me?!

now is not the time to freak out over that ale
I'm serious, like I need help..

okok sorry, what's up?? Tell me why you think you're being cheated on then

ok so like we just got to jersey, but like the plane ride here, my gf was sitting between me and alvaro. And the whole ride she was paying attention to him and not me. And like idk, just this vibe I get off them..

Babyboy, Alvaro is your BEST FRIEND. I doubt he'd ever do something like that to you, y'all respect each other and bro code.. But if you say you have a feeling, then I'd say follow it. Intuition is never wrong, especially if you really like a girl.

Oh, alright. Thanks ale.. is there any warning signs I should look for?

Lol that's Alondra's area of expertise, sorry baby, I'm not a cheating homewrecker like her. 🤕

Lmao ok thanks ale, see you at your party
Read @10:45pm

Once satisfied with his answer of knowing he probably wasn't crazy after all, he slid his phone back into his pocket before joining the others. Anxious to see how the rest of the week, leading up to Ale's party, would unfold.

"Ok so I know not everyone here wants to talk about it, but like can we please discuss her birthday at least?" Yami questioned, wanting to know who was going and how they planned on getting there.

To their surprise, and luck, for some reason Alessya had decided to have her party back out in Jersey. Seemingly going to travel back into the states just for it. They had figured it was due to her inviting them, therefore wanting to be close to where they could all attend. She hadn't released an address yet, but let people know the general location would be in her home state.

At the mention of it, Mattia couldn't help but to roll his eyes. Leaning back against his headboard as he listened in on the conversation, clearly not having much to say about it.

"Ok, what did you want to talk about exactly??" Kairi asked as he looked over at his girlfriend, confused as to why she'd bring up this conversation once more.

"Ok so the invite says we can bring a plus one right?" Jasmine started as she sat up, criss-crossing her legs. "How about I bring Tia as mine?" She offered as she looked over at him.

Mattia now sitting up straighter, seeing as he was more intrigued in the conversation. "Oh word?" He asked with a smirk evident on his lips.

"Yeah, why not?" Jasmine responded nonchalantly with a shrug, a soft smile playing across her lips.

"Wait babe, but I thought we were going together.. yaknow, as a couple?" Alvaro questioned, looking over at his girlfriend confused.

"Alvaro, for once stop being so inconsiderate!" Jasmine stated before looking away from Mattia and facing Alvaro. "You see your best friend is depressed and just wants his girl back, we have to try and help." She explained before a sickly sweet smile came across her face.

To everyone in the room, she appeared as some saint. As if though she really wanted the two together again. But really, she knew Mattia would be humiliated, and rejected. And she planned on being there once he went into a spiral, wanting to be his shoulder to cry on. Or however he planned on using her.

"What the fuck?" Alvaro questioned quietly before shaking his head, "alright whatever."

Reaching over, Audrey grabbed hold of Alvaro's hand as a sign of comfort. "Don't worry Al, you can tag along with Alejandro, Roshaun and I. Go as a big group just so no one is left out." Audrey suggested with a shrug, her close lipped smile never leaving her face.

Returning the smile, he grasped her hand in appreciation before nodding. "That'd be great! I like that idea," he stated happily, enlightened by her coming up with the idea.

As the two spoke and continued to hold hands, Roshaun looked at them from afar. His thoughts conflicting to each other inside his head. Not really knowing whether or not he was being cheated on.

On one side he had his best friend to trust that nothing would happen, they were close and knew that they had to respect bro code. But on the other end he had his semi new girlfriend, someone who couldn't yet be trusted completely. Not knowing her true intentions with him nor the group.

One thing was becoming clear though, and that was the fact that something was fishy.. Maybe one of the girls started their periods? All outplayed jokes aside, he knew something wasn't adding up, but he didn't know who it was due to.

And seemingly enough, he seemed like the only person bothered enough to want to know..

𝐄𝐍𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐌 ➔ 𝘔𝘈𝘙𝘐𝘈𝘕𝘖 𝘊𝘈𝘚𝘛𝘈𝘕𝘖Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant