𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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Deepening the kiss, Mar mumbled beneath the kiss, "jump." To which Alessya obliged as she jumped up, wrapping her legs around his waist while his hands held her up by her upper thighs.

Walking them into the bathroom, he sat her upon the sink as he shut the door behind them, locking it in the process; all without breaking the kiss. Now with a higher up advantage, Alessya relocated her hands, one wrapped around Mar's neck while the other was tangled up in his hair, pulling at the ends.

The tension of pulling his hair caused Mar to groan softly as his hands gripped closer to her upper inner thighs, keeping her legs forced open with him in between them. But every good thing must come to an end, and that included this.

Before anything further happened, it was interrupted by the sound of knocks. "Hey, whose in there? I have to pee really bad!" Someone shouted through the door impatiently.

Grunting loudly, Mar pulled back from the kiss, upset to have been interrupted with a hard-on, meanwhile Alessya buried her face in his neck in embarrassment and let out a soft laugh. Hearing the pounding on the door was only getting louder, Alessya decided to get up before it drew too much attention.

Placing a peck upon Mar's neck, she softly pushed him back before hopping down off the sink. Turning to look in the mirror to fix her hair and what little lip gloss she had left. Seeing her lips were swollen from kissing. Blushing softly she looked back over at Mar. He looked no better, aside from the fact he had a tent pitched in his pants.

Looking down at it, she bit down on her lip before shaking her head. With not much options to be able to help, he sagged his pants in an attempt to hide it before Alessya unlocked the door. Not looking at who the person was, she kept her eyes down with a blush creeping up her cheeks.

"Oh hey, Mar, baby!" An annoyingly familiar voice greeted him as he walked out next. The voice of the person that interrupted them was Yvenka.

Looking back at them, Alessya leaned against the wall, seeing Yvenka was flirting and trying to get his attention. Meanwhile, the whole time, his eyes were focused on the girl behind Yvenka. His eyes locked on Alessya as she bit down on her plump bottom lip.

Pushing herself off the wall, she made her way past them; making sure not to break eye contact with mar until she passed. She wanted to be sure he was watching her every move, swaying her hips teasingly as she landed upon an empty room. Looking back at Mar once more before disappearing into the dark room, closing the door behind her. She doesn't know what got into her, but suddenly she had like a burst of confidence.

Mar took it as a sign to follow, his eyes full of lust before looking back down at the girl before him. He hadn't heard a word she said since she began speaking, him too focused on Alessya.

"Uh huh, um you go enjoy taking your shit Yvenka," he responded loudly before patting her on the shoulder as he slid past her, in the direction of the bedroom.

Yvenka turned red in embarrassment, hearing a few snickers coming from the people that heard him say that. "That's not what I said Mariano!" She yelled after him frustratingly.

Instead of replying, he continued on his way, finally reaching the room before walking inside. He was greeted with the sight of a lamp on, along with Alessya lying on the bed, her phone in her hand as she scrolled through it.

"Took you long enough," was all she said without looking up from her phone.

Rolling his eyes, he quietly closed the door behind him before locking it. Even in a dimly lit room, he could tell it was Malcom's. Walking over to where Alessya laid before climbing on top of her. Knocking her phone out her hand, he slid into her grasp, causing her to laugh as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Hi," she greeted softly as she smiled up at him.

"Hey," he responded with his cute smile, before bowing his head down and beginning to leave kisses all along her neck.

Thinking back to the bathroom, she tangled her hand into his head of curls, tugging on the ends as she became deep in thought. If Yvenka didn't interrupt them, what would've happened??

Alessya surely had no intention on stopping it from going any further, would she have ended up going all the way with Mar, as her first time, in a bathroom?? Doesn't seem romantic but it is realistic, and now thinking of it, she most likely would've.

What the fuck, she thought to herself. She had been with Mattia for three years, with so much self control to hold her back. And suddenly there Mariano was, all he did was stand between her legs, and she was ready to risk it all.

How would Mariano feel to know that? Would he be weirded out to be with an 18 year old virgin? Wait, but they aren't together.. What the fuck were they?

Mar finally noticing Alessya was in her world, he pulled away from her. Looking down at her to see her deep in thought.

"Yo, ma, you good?" He asked as he looked down at her, genuine concern laced in his voice.

Breaking from her train of thought, she shook her head to snap back into reality before answering. "Huh, what? Oh right, yeah all good." She said before looking back up at him.

"Are you sure?" He questioned, wanting to make sure she was telling the truth.

"No actually, I have a question." Alessya responded as she continued playing with Mar's hair, him seemingly not minding it one bit.

"Shoot," was all he said, signaling for her to speak.

"What are we?" She asked quietly, not trying to look everywhere but into his eyes. Which was hard considering he was hovering over her.

Sighing softly, he rolled off her, plopping down beside her in the bed as he twisted one of her curls around his finger. "I don't know, what do you want us to be?" He asked as he continued playing with her hair.

Flipping onto her side, she copied his position. Her head propped up on one hand as she looked back at him. Him still playing with a strand of her hair while she stroked his cheek in admiration.

"I-I don't know, I'm just confused right now," she muttered out truthfully, embarrassed for not having an answer.

"How about this – how about we just talk? We can be in the talking phase until you do figure out what you want? Because I want you," Mar suggested as he went straight to the point, not liking to beat around the bush.

In the moment she was stuck contemplating his offer, she had been confused for so long. Especially the past, almost two months, that she lived in Canada. What did she want? Didn't she want to get over her ex?? If so, why did she still have feelings for him? After the shit he put her through, people would think she'd hate him and move on. But it was hard to toss away three years so easily..

"Fine," was all she said, causing Mar to smile before she rolled over, now on top as she leaned down to give him another kiss; no longer wanting to talk about her feelings nor think about them. Did she even like Mar, or was it all just lust??

𝐄𝐍𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐌 ➔ 𝘔𝘈𝘙𝘐𝘈𝘕𝘖 𝘊𝘈𝘚𝘛𝘈𝘕𝘖Where stories live. Discover now