𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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"Oh, um sorry," Alessya spoke up softly before pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. Slowly rising to her feet before hopping over the seat and moving out the way. Her eyes never once leave Mariano's. His gaze focused solely on her as well.

"Uh, don't worry about it, you can sit there if you want." He offered as he pointed down at the seat. Both of them being cut off by the mystery girl taking a seat where Alessya was seated not too long ago.

"I'll sit here, thanks babe." She spoke out loudly with a fake smile across her face, before turning back towards Samy, who was now seated beside her. "Hey Samy! You look handsome today," she spoke out flirtatiously as she rubbed down his arm. Her other hand placed upon his.

"Um, thanks?" Samy responded before scooting our her reach, soon enough getting tired of it and standing up to walk around the table. Now seating beside his girlfriend.

Alessya could only shake her head down at the girl before remember what Merrit had warned her about. This must be yvenka, she thought to herself before nodding. Looking back up at Mariano, all she could do was bite down on her bottom lip before finally breaking eye contact. Grabbing her backpack off the floor before walking around the table. Merrit was quick to move from her seat and into her boyfriends lap, leaving the seat open for Alessya to slide into.

Sitting right across from her was Mariano, trying repeatedly to catch her attention. But she focused her attention that the others that were seated at the table, continuing their conversation like nothing had happened.

"Oh um Alessya, this is my boyfriend Samy." Merrit began to introduce, a smile evident across her face as he placed a tender kiss upon her cheek. His arms wrapped around her waist.

From across the table, they could hear Mariano clearing his throat.

"Oh right, um that's Mar, the one I told you about." Merrit finished while lazily pointing at him, rolling her eyes at his presence.

Wait, Mariano is Mar?? Oh god, it all makes sense now. But he was such a sweetheart to me, he's the asshole?? Thinking to herself, Alessya couldn't help but to look back over at him. A smirk present across his face, that soft look on his face now replaced by one of lust??

"Oh so you've talked about me, I hope all good things," he spoke out cockily, flicking his tongue out over his bottom lip to keep them from chapping.

"No, all bad actually," Alessya stated, straight to the point as she rolled his eyes at his cocky behavior.

"Well whatever ferret told you, I hope she mentioned that he has a girlfriend," Yvenka stated, purposely messing up Merrits name as she wrapped her arms around one of Mar's.

Looking over at Mar for validation, he had a look that said what the fuck you talking about? Written across his face as he looked down at the girl sitting beside him. Alessya couldn't help but to let a soft laugh escape, quickly coughing to hold it in. Her sweet laughter caught the attention of Mar, looking over at her as he genuinely smiled. He could get used to the sound of that..

Upon realization, he chuckled knowing that he had been caught up in the way that he looked at Yvenka. Glad to know that Alessya knew the girl was just being delusional.

"What's so funny between you two?" Yvenka asked, annoyed at the assumption that they were laughing at her.

"nothing," Alessya answered with a shrug, her smile still plastered across her face. Looking at Mar once more, they exchanged one last smile before the bell rang, dismissing them from their lunch period.

— — — — —

The rest of the day went by quickly, the thought of Mariano in the back of her mind. She hated how cocky he acted while at lunch, wondering it it were all an act or if it was really how he is as a person. Comparing to how he was at lunch compared to how he spoke to her in text, it was like meeting an entirely different person.

Sometime in the middle of the day, she had became cold. Sadly for her, the only sweater she had on her was Mattias's. It'd be like a fresh start for her, considering she was in Canada now, she could only assume no one knew about her and Mattia. So she wore the sweater without a worry.

By the end of the school day, she let out a soft yawn, covering her mouth with the long sleeve of the large sweater that practically engulfed her body. She looked good the entirety of the day, not caring if by the time she walked out, she looked homeless. She would be going straight home anyway.

Walking down the front steps of the school, she made her way towards where she parked, lookin around for her keys inside her backpack.

"Yo Alessya, slow down!" She heard being shouted from behind her, by the same deep voice from earlier.

Stopping in her tracks, she spun on her heel before finally pulling her keys out her backpack with a little cheer. Zipping up her backpack, she adjusted her backpack back onto her back before looking up. Seeing that it was none other than Mar running up to her.

"Yes Mariano?" She asked, folding her arms over her shoulder and she shifted her weight over to one foot.

His smile was large across his face, looking over her figure before his smile dropped. Grabbing hold of the sweater, he examined it before looking up to meet her gaze again. "You got a boyfriend?" He asked with a sense of bitterness in his tone, not even trying to hide it.

"What?" She asked, confused at that being the first thing he'd ask her. Seeing as he was referring to the sweater on her body, she quickly shook her head. "Oh god no, this is my exes sweater." She explained with a smile, before realizing how dumb she must've looked to openly admit to wearing her exes sweater. Mariano didn't seem happy with that answer neither..

𝐄𝐍𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐌 ➔ 𝘔𝘈𝘙𝘐𝘈𝘕𝘖 𝘊𝘈𝘚𝘛𝘈𝘕𝘖Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora