𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙴𝚕𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗

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After almost half an hour in the car, they had been pretty caught up to date in each other's lives. Alessya was still pretty shocked over the recent discovery of what happened between Merrit and Yamilka. Alessya only known Yami for almost a year and a half, but she didn't expect her to be so rude? For all long as she'd known her, she was a sweetheart. Did that mean it was all an act??

Finally finding a place to park, Merrit quickly occupied the empty space before turning off her engine and hopping out. Alessya following suit before they closed and locked the door behind her.

"So we have a shopping centre closer to us, but everyone in Ottawa tends to come to the Trainyards instead, solely due to the fact that it is bigger. Much more options," Merrit explained as they walked side by side towards the multiple stores before them.

"Oh wow, I never knew Canada was so beautiful." Alessya commented in amazement, glancing around at all the stores around her along with the scenery. She was always a sucker for lights during the night. And it was getting around the time where they'd turn on all the stopping store front lights and whatever else.

"Yeah, it really is a sight for sore eyes, especially when all you're used to is seeing America." Merrit began as she walked into Nordstrom, wanting to look around and start clothes shopping before school shopping. "So Ale, what school will you be attending? Our school year starts next week.."

"Oh um, honestly I don't know." Alessya asked embarrassingly, a blush coming to her cheeks as she looked down. "Considering I just got her — My parents dropped me off at the new house and disappeared, like always, so I still don't know everything Im supposed to yet."

"Well once you figure it out, text and let me know yeah? Because if we do attend the same school, I wanna be the one to give you a tour." Merrit offered with a soft smile as she shuffled through the clothing racks. Not yet finding anything that caught her interest.

As Merrit looked around on one side, Alessya did the same on the other; but she began to find and pick out a lot of clothes. Not fully knowing whether or not she'd buy them though, still having to see how they fit.

"Once I get home I'll be sure to ask my parents then let you know. But shit hope we go to the same school, I don't want to completely alone in this unfamiliar country. I suck at making friends," she whined childishly before laughing along with Merrit.

— — — — —

After spending the entirety of her day with Merrit, she arrived back to her new house just before midnight. She hadn't realized how much she had truly missed having Merrit around, and how happy and carefree Merrit was about to make Alessya's days. Like she had no worries in the world. And in her eyes, that's what having a true friend was all about.

Running a hand through her curly hair, she unlocked the door before walking inside. Instantly being greeted by the sight of her parents.

"Oh uh hey mom, hey dad?" She greeted awkwardly, not expecting them to be home, considering they had no problem leaving her alone in the first place.

"Mija, where were you all day today?" Her mother asked with a hand placed upon her hip, waiting on an answer. Alessya's father standing against the corner with his arms folded over his chest, shaking his head in disapproval.

"Um I was out with Merrit all day? You guys remember her, I just found out she moved her last year." Alessya stated with a shrug, seeing it as no big deal.

"Right ok, is that why you show up in a guys hoodie?" Her father asked as he gestured to what she had been wearing at the moment.

Looking down in confusion, she soon realized that she was still in that random guys sweater. Clearly giving her parents the wrong idea of who she was with. But they should know her better and trust her not to be that type of person. Along with the fact that what she did wasn't their concern, especially when being left home alone all day in an unknown neighborhood. Rolling her eyes, she shook her head at her dad before unzipping and removing the sweater, folding it neatly over her arm as she looked at her parents.

"I wasn't with a guy; I was cold and the only available sweater she had was her friends." Alessya explained before rolling her eyes. She hated being accused of shit that was false, and it was something that normal — no one liked to be accused.

"Mhm, well the movers came while you were away. So your bed set is arranged upstairs along with all your boxes. Start unpacking tomorrow," her mother explained before taking a seat at the island once more.

Nodding her head, Alessya began to head up the stairs. "Oh wait, before I go — Merrit wanted me to ask, what school would I be attending?" Alessya asked as she leaned against the stair railing.

"Oh um," her mother started before pulling up something on her laptop. Most likely the information of the schools around the area, so that she'd get the chance to register her daughter for the school year. "Um, it's called St. Pius High School," her mother informed before looking back over at her daughter.

"Thank you!" Was all Alessya shouted in appreciation before running up to her room.

Making her way into her room, she closed and locked the door behind her before running over to her bed and plopping down on it. She immediately pulled out her phone before clicking on the Instagram app. Opening the messages between her and Merrit, she began to text her.

alessyafarrugia: hey cutie! So I found out what school I'll be attending.

officialmerrit: ohh, what's it called?

alessyafarrugia: um it's called St. Pius or some shit like that..

officialmerrit: really?! Perfect, my boyfriend, his friend and I go there!!

alessyafarrugia: wait seriously, so I won't be alone after all?! 😭❤️

officialmerrit: yes girl, honestly you'll love it. It's a nice school, oh and no uniforms!

alessyafarrugia: ooh I'm hype now, I just want to be able to get out this house more. But I'll be spending the last week in, have to unpack everything..

officialmerrit: oh that sucks, but I mean I can always come over and help! I. It's your parents anyway 😂

alessyafarrugia: ew, I'd never understand why you like them so much.. but they'd be happy so see you so ofc, just come tomorrow or whenever.

officialmerrit: say less! I'll pull up after I finish hanging with my boyfriend.

alessyafarrugia: bet, but I'm tired from our day today so I'm gonna crash. Gn!

officialmerrit: gnight hun ❤️
seen @ 12:36am

Clicking out of our messages, just as Ale was about to turn my phone off for the night; the notification of another message came in. From the one and only Mariano..

marianoccastano: aye mamas, you up? 😏

And I think we know what the rest of her night was spent doing..

𝐄𝐍𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐌 ➔ 𝘔𝘈𝘙𝘐𝘈𝘕𝘖 𝘊𝘈𝘚𝘛𝘈𝘕𝘖Where stories live. Discover now