𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢-𝚂𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗

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A few hours had passed, the meet and greet soon dying down as they went through seeing all their supporters. It was now nearing the time that the mall was getting ready to close. Alessya and Merrit stayed towards the back, watching over and talking to one another. Alessya taking occasional photos with supporters of hers as well, them brightening her day up with their kind words.

Finally seeing as it was their time to go, Alessya and Merrit stood up from their seated spot on the counter. Making their way towards the back first, seeing as it was without restraint, meanwhile the boys had to get out the crowd of surrounding supporters.

It had been a few hours since Alessya last seen or heard from Mattia, the thought of him simply slipping her mind as she focused her attention on Mar. The sight of his smile, and to see him so happy, brought a smile to her face. She genuinely believe that she was ready to let go of her past; to let go of Mattia.

Finally meeting up with the boys, they all gathered together in the back room, the boys talking amongst themselves as they laughed and reminisced the experience.

"Dude, that shit was crazy. I didn't think so many people would show out!" Luca stated happily, his bright smile never leaving his face.

Alessya would be lying is she said Luca wasn't attractive, because damn well he was. All of Mar's friends were, but no one could compare to Mariano. He had a sense of sexy and cute to him.

"Yeah but I mean it's understandable since it's a Saturday. But dude, people flew in from other places just to be able to meet us!" Samy informed, quite shocked at the information himself, before patting Mar on the shoulder.

Alessya smiled at the boys before nodding her head. "Im so proud of you guys, you all deserve it! People love you guys," Alessya spoke out before looking over at Mar with a smile.

At the sight of her, a pained feeling spread throughout Mariano's chest. He was hurt. He saw the two together, Alessya and Mattia. How close the two appeared, he knew he had no chance with her. That she clearly wouldn't get over Mattia anytime soon. He was stupid to think otherwise, she let him believe he had a chance. She lead him on, and he despised her for it..

Snapping out his train of thought, he sent a glare her way before rolling his eyes and turning his back to her. He just wanted to leave, to attend their after party and forget about Alessya. It's the least he could ask for at a time like this, right??

At the sight of Mar giving Alessya the cold shoulder, a frown replaced the smile across her face. Saddened by his reaction, wondering why he was acting the way that he was. Had she done something wrong to deserve it? Maybe he was just off about the whole event, she'd be sure to ask him later. I mean, a good relationship requires communication, right?

— — —

The ride back to Malcom's house was a short one, having Merrit in the passenger seat of her car. Alessya had driven to the mall alone, Merrit tagging along with the boys, but it was a clustered ride. So on the way to the house, they split the group in half. Luca tagging along with the girls.

"So Ale, you single?" Luca spoke up from the backseat, leaning to sit on the edge of the seat so he'd be closer up front.

"Um babyboy, in case you're unaware, I'm pretty sure you saw Mar all over her before the meet and greet, she's been claimed," Merrit spoke up, meanwhile Alessya just laughed as she continued to drive.

"Oh well I just figured it was a joke or something. During the meet mar was giving his number out to some girls and inviting them to the after party and shit." Luca explained with a shrug before leaning back into the seat.

"What?" Was all Alessya said, her light hearted laughter abruptly stopping, soon pulling up to Malcoms complex before parking in the back once more.

"Yeah, so I mean if it is a joke, hit me up sometime ma." Luca responded as he hopped out the car and headed inside to meet up with the rest of the boys.

To say she was shocked by what she just heard would be an understatement, she was conflicted with multiple emotions. Almost as if Merrit knew what she was thinking and how she was feeling, she decided to speak up.

"Hey, Hey. Let's not overthink it too much, I mean we don't know for sure if that's true. Luca can be saying that just so you do end up leaving Mar and giving him a chance yaknow?" Merrit began to comfort Alessya, trying to be reasonable. "I mean girl I've known Mar since I moved here last year, and you're the only girl I've seen where he's actually shown his feelings for. Where he's actually been serious about wanting to be with you, to where he's stayed up with me and Samy, geeked over you." Merrit explained, finding Luca's words hard to believe.

Alessya confused by everything going on, Mattia and now Mariano, she just slowly nodded her head as a way to say she understood. Merrit was right, they didn't know if what Luca said was true, but Alessya had a strong feeling about it anyway.

"You're right, I'm probably just thinking too much into it," Alessya spoke up before running her hands over her face in frustration. "Let's just go get ready with the boys before the party," she finished before slowly getting out the car. Grabbing her backpack from the backseat.

They had planned on all getting ready at Malcom's, considering his dad didn't mind having so much company over. Everyone packed a bag of clothes to be able to shower and change into after the long meet and greet. The after party being hosted as a teen club about half an hour away from where Malcom stayed.

Merrit could only nod her head in agreement before hopping out the car as well, and waiting for Alessya as she headed inside the building. Samy had been a sweetheart of a boyfriend and kept Merrit's bag, considering he wanted to make it easier on her and bring it up to Malcom's place for her. She was glad to have someone like him, the only functional relationship so far..

mkay well I know the chapter sucked, I toss filler chapters in here and there, just so the book is a slow burning one and believe me fillers suck to write just as much as they suck to read lmao. But it took awhile to toss up bc I've been in the ER with the flu AND a virus AND a sinus infection. So like I'm ready to just off myself fse. But yeah I have A LOT of plans for this story, we're halfway through babies! I love reading y'all funny ass comments though so continue those, I'll continue trying to write shit just to get those reactions out of you guys too lol. Mucho amor bbs, just for sticking with me, I'll try and toss up like 2-3 more chapters today ❤️

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