𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗

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The next morning she was awaken by the sound of her alarm going off. Not even her parents had the audacity to come wake her themselves. Yawning loudly, she sat up to stretch, rubbing the sleep from her eyes before stepping out of bed and into the bathroom. Seemingly along all those hours of talking to Mariano, she must've dozed off.

Walking into the bathroom, she splashed cold water onto her face before brushing her teeth. It was currently around 5-6am, so clearly she wasn't trying to impress anyone that early in the morning. She just had to show up to catch her flight on time. Keeping the same clothes on from the previous night, she walked into her room and grabbed hold of her carryon bag, her red supreme backpack.

She had originally got it to kind of match Mattia, but now they were no longer together. It didn't matter though because the backpack was still goddamn expensive so she'd use it until it was no longer useable. Chuckling to herself, she shook her head as she looked around the room. Empty. The moving people would show up later to pick up the mattresses and bed frames, but other than that, everything was gone.

Unplugging her charger from the wall, she shoved it into her backpack before shoving her phone in the pocket of her joggers then tossing her backpack over her shoulder. Walking towards the door, she looked back to make sure she had everything. Sighing at all the memories she had throughout the many years of living there. Now she would have to start new. It was depressing.

Closing the door behind her, she headed down the stairs and outside. A shiver coming over her as she was hit with the cool, morning breeze. With nothing but a tube top on, she was cold. 'Shit' she thought to herself before making her way towards her BMW. Wasting no time she unlocked it before hopping inside and starting it. Turning on her seat and steering wheel warmer, she reached over into the passenger seat, where she had tossed her backpack. Unzipping it, she pulled out the sweater she had packed in there.

But to her dismay, it was Mattia's grey champion hoodie. "Fuck, I forgot this was the one I left in my backpack the last time we went out." She muttered to herself as she reluctantly pulled the hoodie out.

As much as she hated Mattia's guts right now, she hated being cold even more. And she was tired, the two do not mix well. Looking at it once more, she shrugged before tossing it over her head and sliding it onto her slim figure. It was huge on her, but it kept her warm and it was comfortable.

Finally seeing as her car was warmed up, she buckled her seat belt before pulling out the driveway and heading towards the airport. She was about half an hour away from the airport, but her flight wasn't for another 2 hours so she'd be fine.

— — — — —

Biting her lip nervously, she made her way through the airport looking for her gate number. Her parents had texted her not too long ago saying they took an earlier flight and that she'd have to arrive alone. But they'd pick her up from the airport.

All she did was roll her eyes, it was the usual for her parents to do that; always leave her behind and not give two shits about whether or not she'd get kidnapped or not. But she wouldn't bother complaining, especially since they had awaken at 3am just to catch a flight. She was glad she even got one by 8am.

For the next hour she spent it getting through security along with looking for some food to fill her stomach up with before her flight. Luckily for her, there was a Dunkin' Donuts. Skipping over to it, literally, she had ordered a water bottle along with an egg white sandwich.

Surprisingly enough, not too many people were in the airport at that time, or at least not through security yet, so the wait in line and for her food wasn't long. Quickly scarfing down her sandwich before downing her bottle of water. The amount of stance stares she received was enough to let her know that people didn't think someone that small could eat so beastly.

Laughing to herself and her thoughts, she had heard her flight being called, walking over to the line in order to be checked for the plane. Entering and finding her seat hadn't been hard, but it sucked that her parents didn't get her a first class, especially knowing that's what they had gotten themselves.

Pulling out her phone, she had seen the multiple notifications from all her friends. It brought a smile to her face knowing they cared. Taking time to respond to everyone individually. She had the chance to while everyone was still boarding the plane and getting themselves situated in their seats.

Luckily for Alessya, her parents may not have given her first class, but they did give her a window seat. Knowing how much she enjoyed the sight of a good view. She was very appreciative of that.

Smiling to herself, she texted back in the group chat, or better yet, the UPDATED groupchat to let them know she was about to take off. And she'd text them when she landed, first chance she got. But what caught her attention was Mattia's text to her through Instagram.

Mattiapolibio: please be safe, I love you..

Rolling her eyes, she put her phone on airplane mode before turning it off at the sound of the flight attendants request. Leaning back in her seat, she laid her head back before closing her eyes. Ready to take off and just leave that godforsaken state. Sure she'd miss her friends, but she knew she'd always make time to come back and visit them. Or so she thought that'd be the plan..

𝐄𝐍𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐌 ➔ 𝘔𝘈𝘙𝘐𝘈𝘕𝘖 𝘊𝘈𝘚𝘛𝘈𝘕𝘖Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora