𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙴𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝

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What Alessya didn't know, nor was planning on knowing was that her friends were shit ones. Aside from Alejandro and the two in Florida of course. Seemingly enough, everyone else, including Yami and Kairi knew about the affair between Alondra and Mattia. Having caught the two making out IN Alessya's room during her birthday party while she was downstairs having fun with Alé, Alv and Roshaun. Oh and their old friend Merrit, but she had since moved.

Which reminded her, where had Merrit moved to again?? And how was she doing?

After being in the sky for at least an hour now, her phone was full of photos of the sky. The view of her being above the clouds thanks to the plane. Humming along to the song that blasted through her speakers, she made sure she was connected to the airplane WiFi before going onto Instagram and searching up Merrit.

Lucky for her, Merrit had kept her username the same after all these years. So there was no hunt to find her. Biting her lip, she began to have second thoughts. Should she text her? Would she text back?? Does she hate her for not checking up on her the past year?

Deciding against all else, she grew some balls and texted an old best friend of hers.

alessyafarrugia: hey cutie, how you been?(: <3

Just as quick as she sent it, merrit responded.

officialmerrit: hey!! I missed you baby. <3

alessyafarrugia: I honestly missed you too, I'm sorry I've been such a shitty friend at checking up on you):

officialmerrit: don't worry about it, life happens. I understand lol.

alessyafarrugia: after I ask this question you might even consider me an even shittier friend but uh where'd you move to again? 🙃

officialmerrit: LMAO damn, it's been that long already that you forgot huh? Well dont worry, I get how forgetful you are. Always have been. 💀

alessyafarrugia: um fuck you too then m 😭😂

officialmerrit: I'm js boo lol, but I moved to Canada. Why what's up, trying to visit? 😏

alessyafarrugia: wait, really?! omg yes, where at??

At the mention of Merrit living in the same country as her, not feeling totally alone anymore, she couldn't help but to smile.

officialmerrit: I live in Ottawa, now care to tell me why we're out here playing 20 questions??

alessyafarrugia: oh right, um my family and I are moving to Canada right now and I wanted to see if I knew anyone in the area..

officialmerrit: oh! Well that's exciting, where you gonna stay at?

Upon receiving that question, Alessya couldn't help but to look confused. Even Alessya didn't know where she'd be staying. "shit," she mumbled as she quickly went to the messages between her and her mother. Even thought her parents would be there to pick her up front he airport, her mom sent her the new home address to look at the photos of it that were posted online.

Seeing the town of Ottawa being where she'd be living, her bright smile didn't dim as she went back to the messages between her and Merrit.

alessyafarrugia: well, looks like you better give me a tour. Because I'm moving to Ottawa too!! 😭

officialmerrit: what, really?? Say less! Omg when are you coming?!

alessyafarrugia: um I should be landing in about maybe an hour or two?

officialmerrit: I have to go right now because my boyfriend and his friend just got here to pick me up, but bet! Lmk when you land and we can plan something

alessyafarrugia: ok great! I can't want to see you after so long, I wanna see how much you've changed!

officialmerrit: same here baby! Have a safe rest of your flight. ❤️
seen @ 9:30am

Finally feeling content, she placed her phone back into her pocket, raising the volume to her music as she laid back into the seat and drifted off into a short nap for the rest of the flight.

— — — — —

Feeling herself being shaken, she opened her eyes slowly to be greeted with the sight of the flight attendant.

"excuse miss, we've landed." She simply stated with a soft smile. Once she was sure ale was awake, she went down the rest of the aisles waking up any leftover sleeping passengers.

Yawning softly, she stood up off the seat before reaching under her seat and pulling out her backpack. Usually she'd place it in the overhead bin, but with her father not being there for her, she decided to take the safer route and put it within her reaching limits.

Slinging the bag over her shoulders, she looked down and adjusted Mattia's long hoodie on her before making her way off the plane and into the unfamiliar airport. Canada wow, who would've thought that her first time there, would be the time she moved there permanently?

Humming softly, she kept one airpod in her ear as she wandered around. Her hands holding onto the straps of her backpack, almost like a sense of protection to her. To know she was finally grounded and safe. At the thought of that, she quickly whipped her phone from her pocket before turning off airplane mode. Upon doing so, her notifications went crazy. All text messages from her friends being worried of whether or not she had arrived. The only way to answer all questions and concerns was to pull them up on FaceTime. Finding a place to sit, she waited as the phone dialed up their numbers. The first to answer and connect was none other than Alejandro, the others hadn't answered.

"Well I guess it's just us alé," she spoke out enthusiastically with a soft smile. She was sure that her friends were just busy in their own lives, or with each other-

At the thought of it, she couldn't help but to shudder. It wasn't a pretty sight in her eyes.

"Nah princess don't worry, they wouldn't leave you hanging. We're all here!" Alejandro stayed happily before turning his phone to landscape mode. The faces of Kairi, Alejandro and Yuli filling the camera. Behind them, minding their own business, was Alondra and Mattia cuddled up on Alejandros bed.

"Hi my babies! Is it bad to say that I miss y'all already?" Alessya asked with a soft pout. Listening faintly, she could've sworn she heard Mattia scoff before answering yes.

"Listen you walking AIDS center, I wasn't asking you. So get off my baby's bed before you give him whatever you caught from your latest hookup," Alessya snarled back in response, upset that he wanted to start this right now.

He sure knew how to kill a girls mood, especially when she's alone and depressed in another goddamn country!

"For someone whose an AIDS center, you sure as hell have no problem wearing his clothes." Alondra stated as she looked over of what little Alessya was showing her. But it was enough to shock Ale and wonder how she had known it was even Mattia's sweater in the first place.

"Oh I'm sorry, did y'all hear something?" Alessya questioned sarcastically before going back to the topic at hand.

"We miss you too Alessya, you seriously need to come back. It isn't the same with your midget ass.." Alejandro stated with a pout, just as he was about to speak again, Alessya's phone rang with the picture of her mom appearing.

"I'll call you guys back, mom is calling!" Alessya explained before swapping calls and speaking to her mother. Just her parents letting her know they arrived and where to find them. Not this was going to be a game of 'find your way out the maze' because Alessya had no idea where the fuck to go.. But she tried, so off she went hoping it was the right direction.

𝐄𝐍𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐌 ➔ 𝘔𝘈𝘙𝘐𝘈𝘕𝘖 𝘊𝘈𝘚𝘛𝘈𝘕𝘖Where stories live. Discover now