*Chapter One Hundred*

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*Happy 100th chapter!!!*

The day mocked Claire Forbes and Kol Mikaelson

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The day mocked Claire Forbes and Kol Mikaelson. The sun shined brightly in the sky. The temperature is perfect. Even the birds chirped harmoniously in the tress.

"Kol" Claire whispers as her eyes slowly open. She felt weak, weaker than she's remembered ever being. She tried to move but her body barely responded. She feels the softness of the bed she's laying on and recognizes the room she's in, it's Kol's.

"I'm here, Angel, I'm right here" Kol said taking her hand in his. He's sitting in a chair beside the bed. He lifts her hand to his lips and kisses it lightly. Her head slowly rolls over to look at him. A small smile comes onto her face, it falters when she notices his bloodshot eyes and the look on his face.

"What... What's going on?" She whispers not understanding why she feels so weak, so tired. Not understanding the look of heartbreak in his eyes."What's wrong?"

The crowd slowly dispersed. Claire didn't move a muscle, neither did Kol. They stood beside each other, their hands gripping each other's. Klaus, Finn, Elijah and Henrik stood slightly behind them. Caroline stood on the other side of Claire but stood a few steps to the side.

"Why don't we head back to the mansion?" Rebekah suggests to Bonnie, Jamie, Hanna and the rest of Asher's family. "Give them some time"

"That's probably a good idea" Hanna nods turning to her family. "Come on, they'll join us when they're ready" Rebekah turns to look at her brothers and Claire once more before leaving with the others.

"You went into labor... at the graduation." Kol whispers moving closer to her.

"I did?" She whispers. He nods looking away from her and down to their linked fingers. "Where is he? I want to see him." She said squirming in her bed. He places a gentle hand on her shoulder. She relaxes at his touch and looks at him. "Where is he?"  She asked softer.

Kol lifts her hand back up to his lips. He closes his eyes and kisses her hand. His grip on her tightens. Claire can feel her energy returning to her. She didn't know if it was fear or adrenaline that was giving her the energy but she didn't care, she needed to know what Kol knew.

"It doesn't make sense" Bonnie said her arm linked with Jamie's. "The baby was healthy. It was alive the entire time. How could this..." Bonnie's voice fades as she makes eye contact with a teary eyed Hanna. "Oh my God" Bonnie covered her mouth.

"What? What is it?" Jamie asked turning Bonnie towards him. However, she look continued to look at Hanna. Heart quenching guilt began to eat her alive.

"Kol, tell me what happened." Claire demanded. Kol takes in a small breath and reluctantly meets her gaze. She could see the tears clouding in his eyes. "Kol" Claire whimpered. "Where's my baby?"

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