*Chapter Forty Four* {The Reckoning}

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"Why are you making me do this, Caroline?" Claire whined

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"Why are you making me do this, Caroline?" Claire whined. The younger twin followed the older one down the dimly lit high school hallway.

"We're about to be seniors. These are the memories that will stay with us forever." Caroline repeated the same thing she said every time Claire asked her why they were doing this.

"Forever's a long time" Claire mumbles. Caroline rolls her eyes.

"Will you lighten up?" Caroline snipped turning to give her an annoyed look before walking ahead of her. Claire sighs heavily and follows her sister.

"Care, I'm sorry" Claire sighs. "I'll put in the effort" She said giving her an award winning smile.

"What is up with you? You've been moody all day." Caroline said crossing her arms.

"I don't know" She said honestly. "I just feel... on edge." Caroline pressed her lips together but nodded, accepting her sisters answer.

"Will you go find Matt? I have the perfect idea for him." Caroline grinned before practically skipping down the hallway. Claire rolls her eyes and turns to go find Matt only to be pushed up against the lockers.

"Hello, sweetheart" Klaus whispers his face in close proximity to hers. Claire's face instantly lights up as her entire body goes from being on edge to being completely in peace. It then made sense. She felt on edge because she felt Klaus was near.

Claire doesn't bother responding, she grips the back of his neck and pulls him into a kiss. He grins pressing her more into the lockers. Her other hand grips his shirt, needing him as close to her as possible.

He growls his hands going behind her thighs and lifting her. She gasps as his hips grind in between her legs. Their hearts race in their chests. It felt impossible to stop. After being separated for months, the desire for each other simply continued to build.

"Don't leave me again." Claire whispers with such desperation that his heart both swelled and broke slightly. "Please tell me you're back for good" She practically begs.

"I'm back for good" He promises unable to deny her anything. He realized, as he pins her against the lockers with her legs wrapped tightly around him, that he could never leave her again. The entire time he was gone, he was miserable. He tried to fight it, tried to focus on the task at hand but it was practically impossible. 

He needed her and he found out just how much he did during the summer. All those months away from her he didn't know peace, the animal in him continued to try and claw it's way out, tried to force him to return to her. He should have listened, he should have returned earlier but now he's here and he wasn't going anywhere without her.

"Good" Claire smiles raising her hand from his chest to caress his stubble jaw. "I missed you."

"I missed you so much more" He nuzzles his head into her neck. Claire smiles and hugs him tightly, her hand leaving the back of his neck traveling up and through his blond hair.

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