*Chapter Eighty Five* {Oh Come, All Ye Faithful}

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"Looks like a giant snowflake" Claire teases softly as she enters Klaus's art room

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"Looks like a giant snowflake" Claire teases softly as she enters Klaus's art room. She hugs herself, her hair not completely dry from her shower. She watches as a small smile appears on Klaus's face, his eyes still on his painting.

"I prefer to think of is as an expression of postmodernism," Klaus says stepping away from the painting. He turns to her, setting the brush down. She smiles at him. "It's my donation to the Winter Wonderland charity event."

"How generous of you." She mutters, a smile dancing on her lips. He smirks at her while a hybrid enters the room.

"You said it was urgent" Claire looks at the hybrid. She recognizes him as one of the loyal hybrids, Brandon.

"Yes, take this to the Mystic Grill immediately." Klaus orders. Brandon gives him a look.

"You want me to be a delivery guy?" Brandon asks. Klaus steps closer.

"What I was is for you to do whatever I say, without the attitude," Klaus said sternly.

"What he means to say, is," Claire spoke up moving towards the two boys. She places her hand on Klaus's chest pushing him back slightly. She moves in front of Brandon and gives him a kind smile. "Would you please take the painting to the Mystic Grill, I would appreciate it. In the meantime, I will make sure he learns some manners like a good boy." Brandon holds back a chuckle and takes the painting.

"Be careful with that, it's still wet" Klaus scolds but Brandon hardly takes him seriously. Claire thanks Brandon as he walks past her with the painting, he nods back to her. "Must you undermine me in front of my hybrids?" Klaus whines.

"Must you be so rude to them?" Claire asked raising her eyebrows at him. "You know, kindness is free." She reminds him. He sighs quietly. "Our problem with the 12 hybrids is because of you mistreating them and their families. Klaus, you don't need to be so forceful." She said walking up to him. "It's better to be loved than to be hated."

"People all over the world fear me yet desire to follow me."

"True loyalty does not come from fear," Claire tells him. "The 18..." Claire's breath hitches. He grips her hips softly in comfort. "The 17 hybrids that are still on our side are not on our side because of fear but because they care. If you have something to fight for, you fight harder than the ones who are forced to fight out of fear. You've taken them from their homes, their families, they follow you and do what you ask, can you not grant them kindness? Say 'thank you' every once and a while, or how about 'please'?"

"They'll think I've gone soft" He mutters. Claire smiles and shakes her head.

"Kindness is not weakness," She tells him. "People admire kindness. I know you're kind, I've seen it. So the hybrids you care, make them want to follow you and they will. Loyalty by choice is far better than loyalty by force."

"And how do you suggest that I show them kindness? That I get them to be loyal to me?" Klaus questions. "I'm not a moron, I know they don't stay for me." Claire smiles and kisses his cheek.

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