22.Doctor Death

130 8 7

Grant Allen

    "So, hey dude." I got a sour microexpression for that " okay sheesh sorry Doctor. .."

" You planning on saying anything, else other than I am the doctor? Which is a trademarked sentence by the way. I am very sure of that. " He grunted and continued rummaging as if what I said didn't bother him. " hey so when you say you are the doctor. What type of doctor do you mean? A medical doctor right? Or like a voodoo doctor?  Not doctor as in I have been studying torturing up to the highest level and now I have a doctorate in it. Right? "
Funny how even in crappy movies, actually speaking of I feel like I am in a crappy episode of Macgyver. Anyway in crappy movies, people always seemed to make this kidnapped thing a no big deal item. So instead of coming up with a plan that involves a money clip to save myself. I was just lying there tacking it like the grown-up my parents hope I am. Not.

"Anyway as I was saying ever noticed that doctors make crappy criminals and villains but most of the times its always the shifty doctor who is the bad guy. I mean is there a criminology course in med school that you all take and realise huh.  Maybe this is an easier career path. Why don't I get a degree in criminology instead?"  I said watching the doctor prepare his shiny scary tool. 
  " Actually speaking of carrier paths like how did you get this gig because you know I actually have a cousin who is flunking out of medicine and crime seems to be a solid fall back plan. Wait, you not going to steal my kidney and spleen, are you? You know what I don't even want to know.  Anyway back to my cousin so what did you do? Post an add on the deep web, get referred by some Real son of B, some godfather wanna be? Get a recommendation letter from Almighty lord valdermot. What dude you got to tell me. " i laughed at the last part before looking back to the ceiling.
"Oh, wait do you actually speak English because if I have been yapping for hours and you are not getting any of this well so much for today. Wait do you just not speak or do they pay you to not talk. Or is it like a requirement no talking during torture session? Hey, you gotta tell me. Oh, that's right you actually can't talk on your own need the head honcho to sign off on a yes or no. How many asses do you gotta lick to stay in this dingy rundown dilapidated place anyway? I mean you would thing a crime doctor would live in a large expensive place. " I said still struggling with the binds on my hand.
He actually growled before gagging me to try and silence me. At least that's what I hoped the gag was for. If i died from shocking it would be a low point for me. Travis walked back in before the doctor could start.

"Okay, Buddy. Here is how this is going to go. You are going to tell me Mathew's schedule or you will be donating a few limbs." He smiled then stepped back to let the doctor work on me.

The bone saw whirred threatening before i felt it on my right ankle. It tore into me with such a vehemence I regretted being bone. I coughed out my screams as I realised this guy we're not here to play. But if they were not here to play would they kill a child?

I writhed in pain as I tried to move my leg from the pain that seems to dig sharper and more painfully..

"Okay, Mr wise guy. Are you ready to have a conversation with me now? "

"I want to know why?"

"You want to know why? You don't have a right to know why you are just the pincushion. " Travis said digging his knife in my right thigh. And then twisting it further in.

I screamed out in agony regretting ever meeting Mathew if I survived this or escaped he was going to have to find a new friend and employee. I did not sign up to be an extra in the Godfather. Or whatever this was.

"That child is not his! That child is mine." Travis said scowling like I was supposed to have guessed that.

"Did you ever think to go to court? I mean its cheaper and there is less blood involved. " I whispered hoping he would not dig something else into my skin. A guy can only take so much.

"Ha fucking Ha. You think you are funny. That child belongs to me. Just because the bitch who gave birth to him didn't think I was fit does not mean I can't take care of my own child. Mathew has no business interfering in my business! " he said the last sentence with such poison you would think I was Mathew.

"Well I mean you are torturing a guy I am sure that is not. Father material. " I said looking at him dazed.

"Yeah well Mathew has killed more people than me and he started a long long time ago. I don't see how that makes him fit. " he stabbed the knife into my abdomen harshly drawing put blood. I let out a strangled breath as I tried to breathe through the pain.

"Okay, how about you put the knife down and find a good lawyer huh?"  I said trying for funny.

"There is no court that will give me my child. I just have to take back what's mine. And i will make Mathew suffer in the process. " He said cutting shallow would on my left thigh after every pause.

"Okay..." My mind blanked as an excruciating wave of blinding pain caught up with my brain.  "Let's just stop okay.."

"Oh of course as soon as you tell me all I need to know about Mathew. " He smiled sardonically before I heard the bone saw whirring again in the background.

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