15.Last Day

137 9 5

Casey Brighton

The whole retreat had been a roller coaster. And I had tried my best regardless of how physically challenged I was. This seemed to turn out well. At least well enough for me to know that I was not one of the people in danger of being fired.

The worst part of the week was how pent up I was. Mathew was so comfortable in his skin he made it his mission to parade around the room in wet skin and a dangerously loose towel around his waist.  Honestly, he always seemed to make my heart beat faster as If just being him triggered a few wires in my brain.

I got into the room and took a moment to appreciate the silence. No Mathew, no baby no nothing.  Just me a large bed and some very very dirty fantasies.  An option was hoping to explore while I still had the room to myself. I jumped over ridiculous-looking bright coloured toys scattered all over the floor. Mathew treated his son like a prized jewel, the kid always seemed to be surrounded by many expensive-looking objects and also was always plastered to Mathews side.  If I don't know better i would think the child was Mathew's security blanket.

I shucked out of my shoes followed by  Jeans and t-shirt. I was going to give myself the self-love I deserved because it had been a long week and this probably was going to be my last day in a room that smelled deliciously like Mathew. All rustic masculinity and sandalwood.  His scent had this polished finish to it like the smell of money straight from an ATM.

I fiddled with the shower knobs before walking into the shower tentatively as if testing the tiled floor.

"Okay. " I said to my self. Preparing for the deed.

My heart was racing at the anticipation of Mathew walking in on me. It also kind of turned me on. There was a kinky part of me that was open to slight exhibitionism. Just thinking about Mathews unwavering gaze washing over my body as I opened myself up for him.

Just the idea of how he would run his filthy mouth talking about 'Yeah babe. Open up for me.' Or something like that. The way his voice was deep and it tumbled when he said certain words. The way his hair was always slightly floppier on his left like he pulled at it frequently. The way his eyes portrayed a certain type of intensity I thought belonged in my fantasies.

I let my hands make pathways of foam and suds all over my body while shivering at the thought of Mathew being the one to do it. To let his lips lick me and body worship me. To let me have everything he was willing to give.  I gave a few more impressive last tugs as I felt the unmistakable build-up before the release.

But before my big finished three things happened. The bathroom door flew open with Mathew on the other side looking sweaty and messy. His eyes caught mine and the fire within me roared even higher. And as my lips parted I groaned put his name while I watched the unmistakable thick stream of my seed splash all over the floor towards the door. I was mortified but also I was so blissed out it took me a second to realise what had just happened.

"Um...Sorry...I...I was...Sorry. " Mathew was so flustered he just scrambled back out. Well more like backed out slowly but for cool composed Mathew that was his type of scrambling out.

I just turned my back and actually washed my body before deciding to get put and clean up the floor. I cursed as I noticed that in my haste to get to the bathroom I had left my clothes outside and all the towels too.

"Great. " I whispered thinking about how I had thought this was a great idea.

I strolled out to see Mathew now composed and holding out a towel for me with an amused smirk.

"Have fun?" He smirked before stretching out his hand slightly.

"Yes, the water was very stimulating. " I quipped back.

"Was it Just the water?" He asked before throwing the towel straight into my face.

"Oh, you know imagination a d fingers go a long way. " I felt my hears burn and heat up after that statement.

He just let out one of his signature chuckles and said " Well I hope you cleaned up. "

I heated even further and moved to pick put new clean pyjamas to wear. I changed into my pyjamas and managed to slip onto my side of the bed. As long as I could sleep and forget the most exciting embarrassing moment of my life I would be golden. 

"Where is Nathan?" I mumbled from under the covers.

"Oh, he is sleeping in Grant's room today. " Mathew sounded a bit sad like this was not his idea.

"Are you okay with that?"

"No. But I need to learn this if he is to start daycare soon. "  He answered as a politician asked about their second mistress.  Vague.

"If you need anything from me just let me know," I said snuggling into my side and preparing to sleep.


"Yes? "

"Can I...Um...I am just used to sleeping with Nathan in my arms. Can I...?" He looked at me from the other end of the bed. 

My heart let me know this was a bad idea by beating faster. But I ignored it and cuddled into his hands. Letting him hold me like I secretly wanted all along. And even as I drifted into a peaceful sleep I knew the morning would be awkward. Especially if what I felt was exactly what I thought it was.

 Especially if what I felt was exactly what I thought it was

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