1.Kings and Goddesses

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Just like Pandora you were  made to distribute chaos and no one ever bothered to find out what your heart truly yearns.-Pandora's Heart Collection

Casey Brighton

As if a testament to the perfect genetic gifts of her parents, my best friend Aphrodite walked into the room turning heads and claiming a sort of arrogance that only came with being a gorgeous flawless ebony-skinned woman. And as if Da Vinci's symmetrical features were not enough she was gifted with a personality that seemed to draw everyone in. 

She always seemed to do everything so faultlessly I have to admit that some times my own self reservations got the best of me.  And we got into fights because of my unguarded Jealousy. But that's how all best friends were a little getting along a little jealousy and a whole lot of 'I-got-your-back'.

Noone ever admits it but all best friends have a certain unfair balance in them, granted it's to help cement the friendship.  One is prettier than the other. One more popular than the other and sometimes one is even smarter than the other. But that's how jigsaw puzzles work if we were the same then the input and value of words would not be needed. 

She sashayed her hips in her usual air of confidence that she always seemed to possess with a gleaming all-knowing smile plastered to her face. A smile similar to a mischievous child who knew that she was doing something wrong but still continued.  'Now I know why she suggested we meet in the busiest coffee house that sells the crappiest coffee I have ever tasted. ' I muttered under my breath as I scrolled on my phone aimlessly.

"You thrive on chaos don't you?" I said while giving Dee a hug.

"Well judging by the way you are smushing me you still love me all the same," she said letting out a delighted squeal.

"Of course I do, it doesn't mean I can't complain about you making this place your runway whilst I wait here creepily like a serial killer. "

"You watch one show about killers and now everything you reference is patening to killers."

"What else did I reference to killers. "

"Your boss? "

"I swear Dee he is living a double life. I would prove it if I could. "

"One time, he ignored you once in a dream, now that means something? And no one else but you knows he has two sides? " she said getting comfortable in her seat.

" It wouldn't be only me if people noticed him. Mathew is one of those silent people who portray a different image when you look at them than when you talk to them and get to know them." I argued while poking my complimentary slice of cake with the tiny provided fork.

"You have one creepy sex dream about the guy and all of a sudden you know him? And when did you get to know him you are speech impaired when he is around. " she paused to give me a sceptical look, " Anyway don't you already watch him as is so you would not have noticed if you are just projecting. "

"He does I know he does because like you said I already watch him," I Said triumphantly drinking my coffee.

"It's too cold to argue about your evasive weird stalker vibes. How about we drive by his house and do something stupid. "

"No! " I silently screamed shocked she would even suggest such a ridiculous idea before continuing "I am not doing that did you forget how the man terrifies me. "

" he only terrifies you because you have a stupid high school crush on him." She says before placing her styrofoam cup to her lips. " Plus all cliche romances involving the boss deserve some stupid questionable events. This could be the beginning of a love story. "

"Did you miss the part where I said he frightens me?" I asked biting my bottom lip. I mean she had a point and he couldn't fire me for staking his place, could he? I mean they don't cover that in the contract. They should it would be easier to know.

"Yes silly, it might even make you happy to see some skin you know? Not in a pervy way though but hey if we happen to notice some skin in a pervy way that's cool too." She winked.

"Okay fine but let the record show I was reluctant at first even if I am curious to see how it will all turn out.  " I said regretting the idea already. "Probably blow up in our faces too but you don't exactly know what the word 'No' means do you, Best friend? "

" do you know what he said today." I suddenly exclaimed remembering my counter with the so-called Man.

"Pray-Tell what this supposed monster said now. " Dee rolled her eyes as if she had already heard the story.

" don't use air quotes, this is real. " I said frantically waving my arms," He said. .We all do bad things sometimes.  "

"That's it. That's the unspeakable sentence he said. " Dee said watching me with humour in her eyes.

"When I go missing you will not be laughing," I said grabbing my jacket and leading her out.

"He is a simple human being and he is your boss if he was to kidnap someone don't you think he would be smart enough to not kidnap someone the police can tie to him. " She said shifting her coffee cup into one hand while adjusting her shades with the other. 

"Yes, but bad people do stupid things sometimes! " I exclaimed.

"Don't worry boy wonder Saturday night we will stalk him and tail him for a few hours if it gets boring we leave. "

"I promise you he is definitely hiding something I have listened to enough podcasts about serial killers to know how to identify one. " I said slowing down as I reached my apartment door.

"You know, I know what you are doing," she said smiling at me with a fond smile.


"Trying to find a reason to actually not like your boss because, well he is your boss and you usually end up doing something stupid when you like someone. And you like your job. "

"Or I know what weirdos look like regardless of how attractive they are," I said winking.

"We will discuss this later. I actually have a job to do. "  Dee said before continuing the rest of the way alone.

And that night as I walked into my house I knew this stakeout was going to be the personification of the word trouble.

And that night as I walked into my house I knew this stakeout was going to be the personification of the word trouble

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