12.Sleepless in Seattle

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Casey Brighton

Sleeping on the couch was not one of the brightest ideas Mathew had ever had. It felt more like a punishment than whatever it was supposed to be. So after tossing and turning for what was the umpteenth time, I threw the covers off my body and padded softly across the room onto the balcony.

The moment I stepped put i was hit by a cold breeze, that signature am temperature drop just before the sun rises.  I checked the time on my phone and noticed it was just last three am. Fun. Maybe I could recruit more people to my pity party and call Dee. Maybe a talk would lull my body into wanting to sleep.

She answered after the third ring with a grumpy confused "You better be dying or I am hanging up. "

"No, hold on. " I screamed into the phone probably waking her up if she wasn't officially awake.

"Okay so here is what's happening. I don't have a room of my own which is cool or not. But now I have to share a room with Mathew and there is one bed. "

"Okay ... Oh! " she paused then after some rustling in the background like she was sitting up and telling someone it's nothing go back to sleep. She continued " You finally getting an excuse to get in his pants and spoon. "

"Uh no. Not exactly. I am sleeping on the couch. Okay, so he suggested i take the couch."

"Wow, this is like a set up to a hallmark movie that got derailed and ended up on I don't know some horror channel. " She said before letting out a breath through the phone.  " Wait let me get this straight he made you sleep on the couch? "

"He didn't make me do anything." I winced as I said it rolling my shoulders back and forth "he merely suggested in a demanding tone that I sleep on the couch. "

" and you went with it!"

"I don't know if you remember this but he is my boss. "

"So he bullied you into sleeping on the couch," She said now sounding like she was pacing. 

"No...he um...he clearly needed the bed more than me. "

"What you mean more than you, you guys are the same height. I have seen him. Go in there and demand you switch tomorrow evening see how he feels about sharing then." She paused then continued after a sound that suspiciously sounded like keys on a keyboard being slammed aggressively. "According to these online pictures that bed fits four kings. I don't see why you had to take the couch. "

"I don't think the thought of sharing even crossed his mind."

"Did you suggest it?"


"Idiot. You are just as bad. You go in there and wake his selfish ass up. You need that bed too. Your health is important too you know."
.go back inside and suggest it. 

Not the worst idea I thought to myself. Before adding the afterthought of I am not doing it. 

"Okay, Dee. " I answered Walking back in after hanging up.

I tiptoed back into the room extra careful not to wake anyone up because i did not have the courage to explain what i was doing outside at three am. My brain supplied a helpful suggestion of lying about sleepwalking if i got caught. I got myself as comfortable as i could on the fancy couch and lucky enough sleep took over.

"Come on Nathaneal. The least you could do is work with me. You know this book says babies your age talk. Where are your words? Do you even understand me or am I just entertaining you? Don't smile at me like that. We, not friends pal. Okay, fine come on let's go check teams and have breakfast." Mathews deep rumbly voice sounded soft and so weirdly affectionate, I still myself so i wouldn't intrude on his moment.

The moment the door closed I got up and got into the shower for a quick clean up.  My eyes were slightly swollen from the lack of sleep and my hair was plastered to one side clearly indicating which side i slept on. I made quick work of the shower and change. I got into my brand new work outfit i had specifically bought for this retreat. Day one was supposed to be brutal i had to make sure I was ready.

With everything being new i had to make sure i remove the tags and not embarrass myself in front of people who actually work out and just dragged their trainers and tracksuits from their closets.  As long as I wasn't on a team with Mathew I was sure I could do this. How hard could it be?

I made my way to the dining hall for breakfast and as I helped myself to the food on the buffet i noticed a bunch of my workmates huddled at a table in the corner of my the room.

"Hey, Lisa. What's going on? " I said the moment I sported the redhead from accounting. 

"Everyone picks a bandana from the black bag the colour you pick is your team. " She said actually seeming excited for this " It's so survivor of them right?"


"You know the show with... Nevermind. It's my turn now. " she skipped up happily dipped her hand in the sack and retrieved a red Bandana.

I couldn't help but hope to be in her team.  She seemed so preppy and ready to motivate. I walked up to the guy giving out the bandanas he wasn't from our workplace. One of the sites counsellors i guessed.  I dipped my hand and made sure to go deep.  I did t want the same team as Mathew. Even though i did not know what it was yet. I retrieved a dark blue bandana.

The counsellor looked at me approvingly then said " congratulations you are now a member of the house team here is a t-shirt make sure to wear it after breakfast. "

I kinda was disappointed i did not get red. But hey maybe blue wouldn't be so bad i thought to myself as I turned to get my plate of food.

 But hey maybe blue wouldn't be so bad i thought to myself as I turned to get my plate of food

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