9.Chest to Chest

151 13 1

Casey Brighton

    The first thing I hear when I arrive at Mathew's house is the wailing of a kid. The child's screams are unsettling but surprisingly they sound like the end of a crying fit. Like a toy whose batteries are just about to run out.

Grabbing the weird alien shaped paperweight from my passenger's seat, I manage to smoothly glide out of my car without any panicking or falling over. At least I could still do this right. I thought, regretting not buying muffins.  I turned the paperweight over to check if I did not leave any price tags. No one wants the embarrassment that comes with someone realising you bought them a cheap gift.

I walked up the cobbled footpath with the little self-confidence I could muster. I had to do this. Right? I mean it is the right thing, right?  The door opened as soon as I raised my hand in an attempt to knock on it. I was not greeted by Mathew but rather by a shirtless good looking Grant. I saw him in the office all the time. But when someone answers the door at someone else's house with such ease clutching an almost naked baby to their chest you start to wonder. 

The baby dressed in nothing but diapers fussed a bit before calming down against Grant's heart. It would have been a truly heart-melting moment if thoughts bout Grant being Mathews boyfriend had not resurfaced.  Dee had convinced me otherwise but what other conclusions could be drawn up from this domestic picture before me.

Mathew finally strolled into the living room dressed in the exact same way as Grant. Pants and no shirt. My heart leapt at the sight. His bare chest was the epitome of lean muscled models. And the slight glistening from the sweat or tears or whatever he was doing gave it a smooth desirable polish almost as if beckoning whoever was watching. And his sweat pants hung dangerously low around his waist proving yet again that you don't need a suit to look attractive. I watched him as he glided towards the open door with a form of arrogance that only looked hot on him.

And then just as I watched all my fantasies come to life I watched them get steamrolled into the ground before being set aflame by a single match. Mathew placed his hand on Grant's back. A micromovement so minuscule it shouldn't be noticeable but I noticed. I always notice. And I finally took in the whole picture. This was his family. Baby. Boyfriend. Him. There was no room for me or anything else. His life was already apple pie perfect. So much for my fantasies huh. I watched blank-faced as he reached for the baby from Grant's arm before placing him the same exact position over his chest. 

I was vaguely aware of their exchange of words before me. Mathew seemed to have asked what was going on. And Grant had shrugged and said 'he has been silent for the past five minutes so I don't know '.Then Mathew had told Grant to go back to bed he could handle this. My brain short-circuited then because yes I had come to terms with them being together. But he had just said go back to bed they were sleeping in the same bed. They were together-together.  There was no doubt in my mind anymore. In a deflated manner I raised the paperweight and handed it to Mathew. 

"I am sorry. For the other day. Trespassing and all. " He looked at the paperweight puzzled then as if understanding dawned on him the corner of his lip twitched in a half aborted smile.

"Yeah sure. Just don't be out there following me or whatever anymore. " He said using words that suspiciously sounded like Grant's.

"Yes, I won't do that again. One felony is enough. "  I said lingering now in his doorstep. Trying to decide if I just started walking back to my car with no bye would it be rude. 

"Okay, would that be all?" He asked definitely dismissing me. And I took them out for what it was.

"No. Okay. bye. " I said turning to leave.

The last thing I heard before entering my car was Grant asking Mathew what the thing he was holding was. And Mathew answering with a 'no idea'. I knew I should have given him a plant. People still like plants right? Of course, he would have loved a plant even knew what to do with it.

The drive back to my place was quiet and felt dragged. As if time was playing tricks on me. Meanwhile, I was wondering how I never noticed they were together the signs were there. They did come into the office together all the time. And they had a baby. A freaking baby. Plus they were in bed probably naked. Maybe they were the sweatpants to answer the door. Of course, they did they couldn't come to the door naked that's rude. Well, it was also probably rude to be making out while the baby was still awake anyway. They are probably crappy parents for doing that.

And I as I parked into my driveway all I thought was he was taken and not in a casual way. Babies were serious in a relationship.

 Babies were serious in a relationship

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