
174 12 7

Grant Allen

Another day in that workplace huh, I thought as I shifted aimlessly on my sidewalk. Usually, by now, I would have been there or almost there.  It was seven and Mathew wasn't here yet, he was always like the king of being on time. I was a little worried, about how I would get to work and if he was okay. A lot worried.   I stood on the lawn kicking up dirt and making parts of the lawn fly up. It was actually by chance how I got him to give me a ride to work every day. A somewhat blessed curse.

It had been raining that day. I had just broken up with Sierra and I needed a break. It had been one of those horrible breakups that leave you questioning the whole relationship. So all I wanted had been to get home get in bed and sleep. I had missed the bus back home while trying to make her understand that I loved her and nothing could compare to that. My anger and frustration caused me to make irritational decisions so as soon as she had refused to even talk about everything I decided to walk home in the rain. Yes, not one of my best decisions but it was mine and I was going to follow through until I passed put from pneumonia. My house wasn't even close enough to be called a walking distance but I didn't care at that moment.

That's when I noticed my boss' car zoom by he must have seen me too because his tail lights turned red as he hit the brakes a few metres away. He reversed looked at me with his ever so distant sad eyes. He said something to me but I couldn't hear.  More like I couldn't focus on his words maybe because the pneumonia was on its way? I stared at him in confusion and he opened the door for me. I shifted my weight from foot to foot as I decided if I wanted to but something was told me he didn't have the patience for indecision. He leaned towards the door to close it and my mind screamed now or never. So I reached out fast and yanked the door a little roughly and practically jumped in.

He looked a little angry that I was soaking his seat but he did offer me a ride so I wasn't going to get out now. He asked for my address and I told him. I registered a little shock from his eyes but he didn't comment he just increased the heat and drove on. I felt like he was sorry for me but not sorry enough to try and help. After all, he was a loner he was good at being a loner without being lonely. He reached by my house and let me out then he said will pick u up tomorrow morning at 7. And that's how the routine was like. I never understood why he does it but if I was getting free transport I wasn't ready to refuse or question it.

I saw the black Bentley roll up to my gate smoothly. It was now half-past seven and he was thirty minutes late. Something must have happened for that to happen.
I slid into the seat and gave him an appreciative nod.

"Trouble waking up? "I asked.

"I had pressing matters,"  he replied coldly.

And as if on cue I heard a soft coo come from the back seat. I turned to notice where it was coming from and I lay my eyes on the cutest baby I had ever seen. He sat in a car seat and on either side of him there were at least 5 large cartons of fruit juice each marked pineapple. I couldn't really tell why they were there so I just brushed it aside and looked at Mathew with a questioning eye as if to say 'the baby? '

Which he ignored swiftly and drove on in silence, well this is new. The baby looked so calm and peaceful I was actually shocked he knew how to take care of a baby. He didn't even have a pet for crying out loud. We got to work late well I figured it was because of the child so I didn't dwell on it much. I was about to walk up to my office when I felt Mathew's hand on my shoulder he looked in the back as if to say give me a hand.

I opened the door and removed the baby from the car seat. I placed him gently on my shoulder and placed my hand on his shoulder he buried his face in my neck as if he was getting comfortable. I used my other hand to grab the car seat and the juice bottle that was in the car seat. I walked upstairs with him and turned to see if Mathew was fine with this. But he was busy getting the cleaning guys to carry the juice to his office.

The moment I arrived at his office I spotted Gladys his secretary giving me a questioning look as she noticed the baby.

"He belongs to the boss. "I explained."

Her jaw dropped "Are u sure. "

"Haha yes, I don't even know what that question means.  " I replied shifting the baby slightly.

"Whoa, this is news who knew. How is he so calm? "

"clearly not you. Maybe because the boss is usually calm ?" I asked amused at imagining The boss as a baby.

"So where did he did he come from," she said totally fascinated by the little human. 

"Missed a lesson in health class? " We jumped a little as we heard Mathew reply.

Gladys and I stared at each other in our semi-frozen positions until Mathew finally said.
"Thanks,  Grant, I have a meeting at 8 so Gladys would you mind. "

"Uh, no problem I love kids. "

I handed the semi sleeping baby to Gladys and the car seat. She looked at me like there was stuff missing. Then she looked at the boss questioningly.

"What? "he asked

"diaper bag and bottles,"  she said in a low voice.

"Umm ..."He looked a bit confused like he didn't notice those things were important then he motioned for the guy who was carrying the last cartoon of fruit juice into his office. The guy placed it on Gladys desk and he pointed towards the juice bottle I was still holding.
"That's the bottle and he loves pineapple juice " Then he took out his credit card and said "If you need anything else you can get it from the store. "Then he walked into his office.

"Huh, so the boss has a kid. " I laughed.

"And he feeds him pineapple juice all day... Poor kid "Gladys said.

"Kay gotta go bye. "


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