"I don't get it. The locals that we met said that they hadn't seen anything, which means that the first sign of trouble happened after we got here. How did these people get here before the bugs?" I asked Hope and Alaric, "I don't know who they are, but they are too prepared, organized, and well-equipped to be responding to some random insect attack." Alaric told us.

"You together?" A woman asked as we walked up, "Yeah, you know, we just came in from Roanoke to see that giant ball of yarn you guys have." Alaric lied, "And these are?" She asked, "This is my wife...Emma. Uh... these are my daughters. From my first marriage. And, uh, Kaleb here is, uh..." I then chimed in with Lizzie and Josie, "My boyfriend. - My boyfriend." Kaleb then chuckled, "Hey...when you're good, you're good, right?"

I hooked an arm with Hope as she then said, "Don't look, but that guy over there was outside of Seylah's house when we were in Kansas, with the fake gas leak." I looked anyways and she scuffed, "I said don't look." I then asked, "What's he doing here?" Hope just says, "I don't know. Probably the same thing we were. Trying to cover things up." I nodded, "There are groups like this scattered all over the globe. Probably tracking the same activity we were. Awful lot of artillery, too."

"Dr. Saltzman, their gear." I said hitting Alaric's arm. "They're here for the urn." Alaric said and Hope and I call out, "Dorian..."
'kaizer.' I heard and turned around looking. "Something isn't right." I told Hope who gave me a look. "What do you mean?" she asked me but I stood up. "Kai." she whispered and pulled me down. "Hey, who is that guy?" Josie asked, "This creep we met in Kansas when you guys were in Europe." I told her, "Why were you in Kansas? Oh, wait, let me guess, it involved you insinuating yourself into a situation where only you could be the hero, Hope." Lizzie snarked and I rolled my eyes.

"As a matter of fact, yeah." Hope said and I squeezed her hand. "I swear to God, you will do anything to get attention." Lizzie said and I scoffed, "Said the narcissist." She then called out, "Said the... other narcissist." Josie then says, "Okay, guys, can we please just stop?"

"Okay, fine. You know what? Maybe I was jealous. Maybe I wanted what you had. A simple day with my family. I lost half of my stuff in that fire, including the only painting I made with my dad. Why would I do that to myself?" Hope snapped and I bit my lip.
While Hope and Alaric talked to the guy from Kansas, I snuck away from everyone. I walked and looked around sliding my phone from my boot. I dialed the school phone but there was no answer. I then dialed the burner phone number and Landon picked up.

"Kai!" he called out and I sighed
"I thought something was happening." I said and he chuckled, "Nope. You're being paranoid."
I rolled my eyes.

We said our goodbyes as Hope, the twins, and Alaric walked out of the tent. "Where have you been?" Alaric asked, "Bathroom" I lied.
"Its a mummy." is all Hope said and I laughed, "Knew it!"

"Some people find it helps to clear their conscience before heading into battle." Lizzie said as we walked and I sighed here we go again. "Not stopping you." Hope told her, "Now is not the time." Josie tried. "It's always time for truth. Last chance, Hope. If you didn't start that fire to keep us from going, then why were you so mean to me after? I'll tell you why, because you were guilty." Lizzie snapped.

"Girls! Quiet back there, please." ALaric snapped, "Seriously. I wasn't mean to you. You were mean to me." Hope told her. "Because you were telling people about my episode." Lizzie said and I raised an eyebrow. "Your what?" I asked. "My episode. The one I had when our trip got cancelled. You told everyone that I was witch bipolar." Hope then called out, "I would never do that."

"Guys, seriously, what is the point of even talking..." Josie tried as they stopped walking and looked at each other. "Just drop the act. I had my first... occurrence, my mom took me away to get help, and you decided to use it against me." Lizzie told us. "Guys..." Josie called out, "I didn't even know. I swear, I would never do that." Hope told Lizzie and Josie just says "Guys!" We all turned, "What?" Josie just points, "There's a mummy on Main Street."

"So, what, do we, like, rush it?" Lizzie asked, "It's seven feet tall. We hold our ground until it's close enough to attack." Alaric told us. "Okay, Dad, get behind us." Josie told him. "I can't do that." he refused, "Dad."

"I have to protect you, all of you." Alaric told us, "No offense, Dr. Saltzman, but you and your crossbow are kind of manspread in front of four powerful witches." Hope told him. "Okay, good point."

"Okay, what can a mummy do to hurt us?" I asked, "I think we're about to find out." Hope told us. "Hope." I said and we all took hands syphoning magic. "Bulla." we called out as it sent the bugs towards us.

"Nice teamwork. Should we rush it now?" Lizzie asked, "Not yet." Hope told her.
"I really, really think that we should rush it."
"Wait! On three. One... Two..." Hope then froze as she started to cough "What's happening? What's happening? Oh, my God. Oh, my God." Lizzie said as she then started. "Josie!" I said taking her hand and we both said, "Resistus maledi." Before focusing on the mummy, "Ignalusa." We shot fire to the mummy burning it to dust. "Worst spring break ever." Lizzie said and I turned kneeling next to Hope, "You okay?" I asked and she nodded.
I checked my phone once again as they all argued, and looked up as people ran out of the tent. The mummy chased everyone out ad we got out of the van, as Clarke comes over. "What the hell is happening?" Aalric just says, "I don't know; he should be dead." The mummy roared as Clarke says, "Well, clearly he isn't."

"Yeah, I can see that." The mummy threw rhe boxes around as I called out, "He's looking for the urn." Charke then asks, "What do we do?" I shrugged as Alaric says, "I don't know, give him the urn."

Clarke got on his walky and said, "Hey, can someone give this thing the urn?" someone came back saying, "Can't. The urn's gone." Clarke was confused, "Wh... Who's been in there?" The tevh then says, "Only our guys."

"Do something." Clarke says and ALaric asks, "Kaleb?" Kaleb nodded, "Yep." He flashed up and said, "Nice bling. Don't mind if I do." He ripped it off his chest and turned, "Kaizer!" He tossed it and I caught it, "Got it." I turned as Josie and Lizzie put their hands on mine. "Oh, crap. Hurry. Like, hurry hurry." Hope yelled out.

The moans and buzzing quieted as we took our hands off it. "The curse is lifted. He's gone. Well, Agent Clarke, we do any more work for you guys, you're gonna have to put us on the payroll. Guess we'll be, uh, on our way out of here. Whew!" Alaric told him.
We drew up to the side of the road as Alaric parked, "So where is she?" he asked Kaleb. "You doubting my skills? There." He said and she walked out handing it to us. "Thank you. Oh, and you may want to lay low for a little bit, sweetie. You're welcome."

"All right, let's go home. All right." Alaric said but lights came up behind us. "Wait a second." I then turned in my seat and said, "They have Dorian and Emma." He took the urn from Kaleb and told us to stay. He gave them the urn for Dorian and Emma.
We drove and it was silent until I heard Hope speak and I looked over the seat, "If you really thought that I said all those things about you, then you hating me all these years makes perfect sense. But with a father and a grandfather like mine, I'm probably not immune to those issues myself. I don't take it lightly and I would never make fun of you for it." I smiled softly as Lizzie then said, "I believe you." I then spoke up, "What I don't get is why anyone would accuse you of that. Who did you hear it from?"

Lizzie then looked at Josie and we all turned to her, as Josie looked at us.
We got back to school, and Hope and I went to the twins room leaning on the door way. "Why would you drive a wedge between me and Hope? Why lie?" Lizzie asked, "I was gonna ask the same thing." Hope said and Josie looked back at us. "I didn't just lie. I started the fire. Lizzie had made some remark... about me being obsessed with you. I just blurted out, "How could I be obsessed with somebody who would say such mean things about my twin?" Hope then said, "But I didn't." Josie just says, "I know. I just made it up."

"Why?" I asked, "Because I didn't want Lizzie to know the truth. I had a crush on you, Hope. And I had slipped a note into your room that morning and... I don't know, I just really immediately regretted it but I couldn't get in by then. So I did a fire spell under your door. I was really only aiming for the note." Josie said and Lizzie then asked, "Why would it matter that I knew?" Josie then turned to her, "Because my whole life, any time I've ever liked anyone, you go for them. And you always win." Hope then chuckled, "You had a crush on me?" Josie then said, "Of course I did. Who wouldn't?"
I walked back to our room when I groaned and placed my hand on the wall catching my balence. I groaned again hissing in pain, before screaming. "KAIZER!" Hope yelled running towards me. "Kaizer whats wrongs?" She asked cupping my face as Alaric ran over. "It.. feels.. like FIRE.." I said yelling. "Kai. Look at me." Hope tried but I stared screaming. "It has to be the linking spell she did with Landon." Hope told Alaric, before I passed out completely.

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