Chapter 1

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Didn't Beat Them All

Some days, you believe, are the best. But karma seems to think other wise.

It was probably two weeks or maybe even three after we had won, after my team beat the Generation of Miracles. My phone begins ringing and I opened my tired eyes in the darkness to see the light from my phone. "Hello?" I groaned opening my phone.

"Tetsuya!" The girl cheered. I knew who it was.

"Oh, hey."

I heard a gruff, "Don't, "oh hey" me. You didn't even think to call me in the past few years and suddenly your mother tells me you won nationals. That would've been nice to know."

I smile slightly, "I know. I know, but I forgot."

"You forgot about me," she fake gasps, "I'm so hurt." She laughs and I continue smiling. "You aren't laughing and it's hurting my feelings. Anyways, I need to go, practice always starts late for me. See ya."

"Bye." I say and she hangs up. Maybe I should go visit her some day, after all, I haven't seen her in years and I would like to show her something she always wished I could do, thanks to Akashi.

I get up and realize, I'm late for practice. Oh no, oh no, it was almost seven, and practice starts at 7:30, by the time I would get to school it would be 8:15. It's probably the fastest I've ran in the past few years and at 7:45 with a price of toast in my hand and sports drink in the other. I walked to school because I was eating but I walked fast; after I finished eating, I ran.

I reached the gates seeing few people coming into school because it was still 45 minutes until school started. I rushed towards the gym and was about to open the doors when I heard a loud bang. It sounded like a ball being thrown against the floor. "Enough!" Someone yelled, it's sounded like captain. "Kagami, please continue."

"Gladly." Kagami was now speaking, "I know you guys got used to Kuroko but come on, all of us are better than him. I think it wouldn't be such a difference without him."


"Okay, then what do you think, Kiyoshi." Koganei, that's who spoke.

Kiyoshi chuckled nervously, "Well, Kuroko is a good friend and very kind but," he paused and cleared his throat, "I kind of agree with Kagami."

Seriously, what is going on? What do they mean? I was already on the edge of burst into tears. I decided to open the doors slightly and slip in, they wouldn't notice obviously. I kept the door opened and stood there.

"So, what do you think?" Tsuchida asked. I was wondering the same question:

What do they think? Think of me, besides that I'm kind, a good friend, and if I was gone it would be no different.

"I think that Kuroko's weak, and should be off the team." Kagami said.

Of course.

"You're his light, Kagami." Coach Riko reminded Kagami.

Right, he forgot.

"I don't need a shadow if I shine bright enough where you can't see one." Kagami explained cool as a cucumber but with a stern look.

I get it now, it's deja vu.

'I don't need you, I'm better than you. Than anyone.'

The words of two people, so different, yet the same. Aomine and Kagami. Why are you so shallow?

I turned around and pushed open the doors not caring that they made a loud noise. The wind blew and I walked out. Like an instant, I was gone, the people behind me shouting my name no longer saw me, and I no longer saw them. As friends. As teammates. As people I trust.

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