He took an off road that led to Connie's house. Honestly for being relatively modern and her mother apparently being very strict it was a surprise that they lived out in the woods by beach city.

It was a bit close to the Arcturus crash site if he said to himself. Thankfully the ship had been moved a few years ago in pieces. Although the graves of the crew is still out there.

He remembered the day he had to bury them all. The gems offered to help of course. But it just didn't feel right to him at the time to let someone who didn't at least somewhat know them let alone aliens bury the dead. He must've sorted through and placed over 200 dog tags.

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a loud roar. The winds from the storm nearly hid it. But he just picked it out. He pulled the warthog to a stop and opened his door. Steven and Connie were confused.

He materialized his MA5B and skied it to where he heard it. If may have just been a wolf. But he wanted to make sure. Never know when something might jump out at you.

"What are you doing?" Asked Steven from the Warthog.

"Get back in. There might be something out here." Said will in a serious tone.

He slowly walked into the forest. His flames were slightly activated to keep him warm. He pointed his rifle at almost everything that moved. He could almost see a shadow move in the slowly retreating sunlight. It was nearly impossible to see even with his enhanced vision through the snow and dark.

'why did I leave my armor off for maintenance.' he thought to himself.

He heard a branch crack in the distance. He slowly approached it. His army BDU pants protected him from the falling snow. Combat boots trigger through the powder and a green long sleeved UNSC short worn in his torso. Most back in the UNSC wouldn't believe seeing the 6 foot 6 Spartan in this kind of gear. Hell most havent even seen a Spartan outside their helmet, let alone full armor.

He walked around the side of the tree and pointed his rifle to a cave that was underneath it. He damn near fell in because it was covered in snow. But the one thing that unnerved him was what lived in it. Because a wolf. It even a bear makes claw marks that big. He thought looking at the scratched up tree.

He then heard yelling in the distance. His heart was k as he ran back to the warthog at just over 40 MPH. He got back and saw the entire Warthog was flipped over. Scratch that, it was completely trashed. And to top it off it was covered in snow and ice.

He quickly got in top of it and tried to open the door. He smashed it with his robotic arm. Breaking the lock he ripped the door up. But he didn't see anyone inside.

Just then he was grabbed around the leg. Whatever grabbed him dug it's teeth into the hardened convey boot and pants. Despite the protective layers it was no Mjolnir. A few of it's teeth dug into his foot. One even reached the bone but it's teeth cracked and broke when it hit his Titanium hardened bone. That got it to let go as he was dropped. Will tell to the ground. He quickly ran around the other side of the Warthog and materialized a can of biofoam. He sprayed a decent amount into the sounds I to his foot before the thing skidded to a stop next to him.

It lunged at him and he thought his rifle up to clamp down on instead. It's large teeth cracked but it dented the MA5B enough to make it non functioning. He dematerialized it and brought out an M7 smg. He punched it hard enough to send it skidding back with a close powered punch. He brought the sky up and hipfired the entire 60 round clip into it.

He growled as he saw the bullets just sink in. He was about to pull out a grenade when he saw Stevens shield hit the thing.

The monster looked over to where he was. His bright pink jacket stood out ridiculously in the snow. "Now Connie!" He yelled. A loud crack rung out as a few gem fragments erupted out of the things gem. She had hit the direct center of the things gem. It immediately poofed and the gem shards fell to the ground.

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