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Mia Martinez

how could they be still operating, we had made it to the hospital Jax carried her out in his arms he was covered in blood, but it kind of covered it up when he carried her into the hospital. she lost so much blood Jax's back seat was destroyed, he didn't care though.

"family of Mrs Creed" a doctor came out

"were done operating, the bullet in her lower chest was under her lung, we got to remove that safely and repair it up, the bullet in her upper chest missed her heart by an inch, she was very lucky. we have to  keep a watch on her because of that bullet wound and the loss of blood, but the bullet in her arm was ok to remove and no threating signs " he smiled at a worried Jax "you can go see her, she's unconscious at the moment due to the loss of blood"

Jax walked down the corridor into the room he was instructed to go to, I decided to wait outside give him a few moments

an hour had passed "she ok" I nodded to T

"he's In there, you should go in" I smiled, he opened the door slowly walking in

soon enough the door re opened "Mia" Jax said peering out holding out his hand, I took his hand and he pulled me into the room him sitting down and putting me on his lap, he head resting on my shoulder. T took her hand placed a kiss on it and nodded at Jax, business per usual. El was hooked up with so much needles and had monitors studying her.

"I'm sorry Jax" i said "he was never like that before"

Jax gritted his teeth, his jaw clenched "He's not dead"


"He's in the cell under the house, I didn't torture him yet, I want to kill him" he looked at me "I'm sorry if it hurts you but I want him to feel the way my mother felt and worse, but I'll only do it if she dies"

He looked back at El in the hospital bed "do what you need to baby" I said kissing his head

We sat in the room for awhile, it was getting late. Jax was still in the same suit as yesterday with dried blood stains, his shirt buttoned down and his tie hanging around his shoulders

"Jax why don't we go home and sleep for awhile and clean you up" he sat still still looking at El "she'll be ok get some guards to watch her and I'll get the nurses and doctors to call if anything happens" my eyes started to tear up watching him, he stood up and held her hand "I'll be back soon mom, your in good hands" he said kissing her forehead

He got up and looked at me placing his hands on my cheeks whipping my tears on my cheeks with his thumb. Kissing my lips gently "let's go" he nodded towards the door taking the keys out of his pocket

"Jackson" a familiar voice echoed down the hall

It was Maria, she wrapped her arms around him and started crying

"She's ok for now" Jax explained "she's unconscious" she pulled away from him and started rummaging in her handbag  pulling out a tissue

"Hi Mia" she smiled sadly at me before walking by us into the room

"I taught she taught I was a whore" I looked up at Jax "kind of been talking about you to her" he smiled

we left the house with bodies surrounding the floor there was none when we got home just puddles of blood and stains on the walls and carpets. We made our way up the stairs I saw Els blood nearly furnishing the stairs timber and walking to our room the blood trail from where I dragged her body. Memories flashed through my head, I didn't feel so good, my belly started to ache, I never got nauseous over blood but something was different.

Jax started getting undressed, I walked into the bathroom and started to run the bath, putting some body wash in the water, creating bubbles

I got undressed and when I turned around to get Jax he was staring at me in the doorway

He came up behind me holding my waist "our kid is gonna love you more for putting too much bubbles in the bath" he kissed my neck causing me to smile

He got into the bath and then I entered straddling him, staring to massage his chest using the Lufa, he was so tired, his eyes were so black under them. After we had bathed we got into the bed and cuddled for awhile before falling asleep

I woke up it was pitch black and Jax's small snores fillet the room, I was confused, then all of a sudden I felt the pain in my side



It kept cursing a pain in my side of my stomach

"Jax" I said hitting him, something was wrong I knew it, he didn't budge, I threw my hand onto the locker beside my bed looking for the light switch, the pain kept going

Finally I got it and pulled back the mattress,Jax turned over rubbing his eyes

"Mia you ok"

There was blood, a lot of it covering my pants and on the bed sheet. Jax realized getting up and calling someone on the phone, while I headed to the bathroom, I sat on the toilet, holding my stomach. The pain was so bad,I cleaned myself and nothing but blood was only seen

"Mia, baby come on, doctors going to meet us at the hospital" he wrapped around my night gown lifted me up bridal style into the car

I taught Jax drive fast with his mother but this was crazy, we reached the hospital in 5 minutes, he ran around to my side lifting me out and bringing me to the room that the doctor instructed him to go to, putting me down on the bed

"Mia can u take off your clothes and put on this paper gown" the doctor asked

I did just that after she left the room, Jax looked so worried, he was pacing around the room

"Now Mia lie up on the bed, I need to examine you and the baby" she smiled

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