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Mia Martinez

I picked up my phone, I was so bored it was just 7pm

I dialed Lunas number

"Hi babe"

"I swear to got of this is a sick joke" She said

"Luna it's me, Mia"

"Miaaa" she basically screamed "it's you"

"It's me" I said giggling

"How are you, how can you talk"

"He got me a phone and a few other bits, he got me your number, oh I missed you so bad"

"Same M" she said "Lonely without you, I'm so sorry about your family"

"It's ok Luna, I'm much better now"

"Greysons changed"

"Wait he's alive" I sat up

"Ye he became the leader of your dads mafia" she spoke "He's looking to settle down soon, he thinks your dead M"

"Don't tell him I'm alive" I said "better that way"

"M he was in so much pain, it would happen to know he has someone"

"No he can't please Luna" I pleaded "for my safety"

"Ok" she sighed "when you coming home"

"I don't think I will be Luns"

"Why" she asked "I need you here, I'm not getting married until you can"

"Luna I think I'm pregnant"

"What, how, who" she stalled "him"

"I swear if he forced you I'll kill him" she said

"Luna no, no it's not like that anymore" I said "we're dating and it's the best sex"

"Ive been getting sick for the last week, feeling nauseous, smelling food and feeling sick and I can't remember when I last had my period because I never tracked it"

"I always told you to" she said "ok, ok why don't you take a test and find out"

"I can't do it luna, I tried"

"Does he know" she asked

"No luns" the door opened "shit I got to go he's home"

"Tell him M, call me when you can and let me know, the sooner the better"

"I'm home baby" he shouted through the house, I hung up and went to greet him, turning in the hallway, I got the smell of Chinese


The feeling again

I ran up the starts straight to his bathroom, starting to vomit

"Shit Baby one second" he yelled going back downstairs

I sat down beside the toilet staring at the medicine cabinet. I got up and locked the bathroom door. I took out the box opening it up and went pee on the stick leaving it beside the sink

"Baby you ok" Jax asked

"Ye just going pee"

And taking a test to see if I'm pregnant with your child

"There's water and Advil out here" he said " I'll wait out here"

I waited when it was time i looked at the stick

I walked towards the door opening it "hey you ok" I walked by him sitting on the bed and put my hands on my head "hey baby, it's ok it's only sickness"

"No Jax it's not, it's morning sickness" I looked at him his brows furrowed together then he got it, he stood back and looked down at my belly then back up at me and shook his head "I'm pregnant"

He started to rub his head then his lips, he repositioned himself putting his hands in his pocket "what are you going to do"

I looked at him discussed "what the fuck do you mean what am I going to do" I stood up "your apart of this too"

"Mia you know what I mean are you going to abort it or keep it" he looked pissed "you can't have a child right now and you know it"

"Why can't I Jax" he shook his head

"Mia we've only started going out like a baby is a huge step"

"Yano what then Jax, you should have taught about that when you were in me" I walked out the room crying going to my old room closing the door and locking it 

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