"So tell me...have you talked to Archer?" My dad asks me while spinning his phone around on his hand casually.

What do I do? Do I tell him the truth?

"Uh...yeah, I talked to him and told him he's my soulmate, we're together now..." I  state. I'm technically not lying. I did tell him I was his soulmate, except he basically rejected me.

My dad raises one of his eyebrows and looks at me with a, are-you-kidding-me-I'm-not-stupid look.

"Xena, first of all let's not forget that I'm your dad and I know when you're lying and secondly I work at the same company his dad works at so I know what actually goes on." My dad shakes him head.

What does he mean?

"What do you mean? I—" I start off, but my dad cuts me off before I could finish what I was going to say.

"Xena, honey. I found out that Archer thinks that his soulmate is some other girl. So he's going out with her." My dad sighs and walks up to the chair beside me.

"I really don't want to see you hurt, dear." My dad says while resting one hand on my shoulder.

"Okay fine...yeah. Archer is going out with this other girl named Vera because she lied to him telling him that she's his soulmate and him being the naïve person he is, he believed her" I say.

"How is she lying though? Shouldn't she also have a mark on her arm?" My dad asks me. A puzzled look on his face.

"Yeah that's what I thought as well, I came to the conclusion that she's hiding it, so I decided to subtly try and remove the make up while taking to her. I then pretend to ask her for a picture for my instagram and then Cam took a picture of us which has a clear view of her wrist." I finish.

"That's quite smart. Now you need to show that to Archer" my dad says.

"Yeah, but that's the problem. I can't show him cause Vera is always with him. And every time I try telling him, she always pulls him away." I say while playing with my hands that were resting on my thigh.

"I'm sure you'll get the chance to tell him." My dad give me a reassuring smile before telling me he was getting late for work.

Once dad left I went back to my room and took a quick shower. The girls and I were going to the amusement park today, since we haven't really been out of the house a lot recently.

I changed into some blue high waisted shorts and a yellow v-neck cropped spaghetti strap top. I then flat ironed my hair and then I left my house.

I drove to Cams house, Brie was there as well. We all went in my car to the amusement park.

A 25 minute drive later we all pilled out of the car and walked to the entrance of the park. We checked in and we all walked to our favourite roller coaster. Every time we come here we always go on this roller coaster.


3 hours later we all decided to eat something, and we were tired from all the walking so we left the amusement park and drove to the McDonald's drive thru and ordered our food.

Once we got our food we all headed back to my house.

The car ride consisted of Cam and Brie arguing time to time over the most stupidest things, lots and lots of horrible singing and the most craziest conversations.

"Finally!" Brie yells and jumps on my bed once we get in my room. Cam then jumping on top of her.

"Get off me you pig!" Brie yells trying to push Cam off her.

I laugh and lay on top of them both. Cam started laughing while Brie started to yell even louder, if that was even possible.

After a few minutes of Brie begging Cam and I to get off her, we both finally did.

"Idiots" Brie mutters under her breath.

"Let's go sit outside near the pool" Cam says.

"Yeah sure" I say while getting off the bed and walking down the stairs with Brie and Cam beside me.

We all walked to the pool and put our legs in the water and started talking for hours.

later on, we ended up all in the pool due to us trying to push one another Inside.

"My hair!" Cam yells and then starts walking towards up since we were all in the shallow end. But since the tiles of the pool were slippery she ended up falling right back, face first

Brie and I burst out laughing and we then all get out of the pool, dried off and headed back to my room.

I gave Brie and Cam some of my clothes to change into after we all showered again.

Once we were done showering. I ordered us all pizza and we ended up watching a move once again like yesterday.

By the time my dad came back it was around 8pm. I ordered him a box of pizza as well. So he ended up eating that for dinner.

Brie and Cam then ended up sleeping at my house.

We all giggled and talked like 8 year old school girls. And before we knew it we all drifted off to sleep.


I just haven't been having the motivation to write lately, plus schools been a pain in the butt :(
Don't forget to VOTE and comment! ⭐️

Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter! Love you! 💕

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