Once the doors open, I lead him towards the private garage and approach Becca's brand new bright red Aston Martin.

His steps falter slightly before he walks up to the car with wide eyes.

"Holy shit. This is your car?" He asks dumbfounded.

"No, it's Becca's. She told me I could use it when I needed too." I explain as I laugh at his reaction.

We both slide in to the car and I put the place I want to go in my phone. I knew the general direction I was going but the whole time I've been in Seattle, I've been moping in my room or making stupid drunken decisions like getting a tattoo.

"Your mom misses you" River states after a few silent minutes.

I glance at him out of the corner of my eye briefly before my attention is back on the road.

"How is she?"

He's silent again, contemplating what's he's going to tell me.

Finally he lets out a breath and speaks.

"She's fine, I went and saw her before I came here and we talked. I apologized for everything I put you through and for what I did. She assured me that she wasn't mad and we had some coffee as we sat and talked some more"

"What else did you talk about?" I ask hesitantly.

"You, your dad, John" I freeze at the mention of his name. "I didn't know he was hitting you Emery. Why didn't you tell me?" He asks with a hurt tone underlined throughout his voice.

"There's nothing you could have done River, John does what he pleases and nobody gives a damn."

I hear him let out a breath before he rests his hand on my thigh.

"I could've helped you, I always thought the bruises were from that fuck you were dating, if I had know it was John I would've beat the shit out of him for touching you"

I smile slightly at the thought.

"I appreciate the offer but there's no need."

I pull over as we reach the destination and turn off the car before glancing at River, and getting out.

I bend over and take off my shoes, leaving them next to the tire, and sinking my toes into the cool sand.

River is behind me in a minute and I lace my fingers through his and lead him down to the water.

"The beach has always been my favorite place. It always made me feel closer to my dad. It became a safe place after mom married John, he never knew I went to the lighthouse." I stop talking and take a deep breath as we reach the water. The salty air filled my lungs and a smile overtook my face.

I look back to River and notice him watching me with an intense look in his hazel eyes.

"What?" I ask him as a blush spreads up my cheeks.

The corner of his mouth curves up into a small smirk as he shakes his head at me.

He steps in front of me and wraps his arms around my waist. I lean into his touch, my eyes fluttering closed, and rest my cheek against his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart.

"Your mom made me promise something when I talked to her." He whispers as he rests his head on mine.

"Yeah? What's that?" I ask

"She made me promise to bring you home."

I glance up a him and unintentionally loosen my grip.

"Will you?" He asks, hope swarming in his golden irises. 

I quirk an eyebrow at him.

"Come home with me"

Becca's Aston Martin ⬇️

Becca's Aston Martin ⬇️

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