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"I gotta warn you princess. This isn't like the books you've read or the movies you've watched. This is the real deal and people can get seriously hurt. Cops have been known to crash these little soirées." River tells me as we pull in to a parking spot.

I nod my head as I take in the information.

"You ready to bail yet?" He asks with a smirk.


"Nope. I'm sticking to it"

I was trying to convince myself more than him, but I guess it worked because he just shrugged and walked faster.

I had to power walk to catch up to his tall frame, every one of his steps was three of mine.

Oh the joys of being short.

My phone had been blowing up with texts from Reed since I left and I've been ignoring every single one. That didn't stop him though.

My phone continuously dinged with texts.

"I think someone wants your attention princess" River says motioning to my phone

"It's my boyfriend, he wanted to take me out on a 'anniversary slash apology dinner'" I reply with a eye roll.

That had apparently become my thing now.

My ringtone began playing so I pull my phone out of my pocket and glance at the screen. The blood drained from my face and my heart stopped beating.


If John was calling me that meant that Reed told him. That means that I'm in deep cow doo. I decline the call and turn off my phone before shoving it back in my pocket.

"Hey you okay?" River asks

I glance over at him as I try to calm my nerves. He had a genuine look of concern on his face.

"Yeah just peachy" I tell him with a fake smile

He draws his eyebrows together in confusion but doesn't press the matter. He obviously knew I was lying. I was a bad liar except for when I was hiding my bruises.

I follow River around grounds until he stops in front of a tarp covered car. In one quick motion he rips the tarp off to reveal a older model cherry red mustang.

"Wow" I breath

"Yes she's a beauty isn't she? 1967 GT500. She's a classic."

I step up to the car and trace the paint with my fingers, I've never seen a car like this.

I see River smile out of the corner of my eye.

He steps next to me causing our arms to brush against each other. A spark shoots up my arm at the contact.

I look at him and smile he smiles back at me and I get sucked in to a trance that is only broken when a voice breaks the silence between us.

"River you ready to race?" the other guy from the garage says.

"You know I am Carter. The real question is are you ready to lose again?"

Carters eyes shoot over to me as he lets out a laugh.

"I see you brought your girlfriend. What was your name again sweetheart?"


"Emery right. Pretty name"

Carter turns his attention back to River.

"How about we make a wager." Carter suggests

"I'm listening" River responds, crossing his arms over his chest.

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