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I hear the soft pattering of feet coming up the stairs and it sets my nerves ablaze. My knuckles had turned white from how hard I was clenching my hands.

This wasn't right. I only hoped that after I told her, there was something left for her to give me. I knew as soon as I told her what really happened she would hate me forever.

Her sweet perfume reached my nostrils before my eyes found her, my throat tightened and a huge lump formed in the pit of my stomach.

Guilt was eating me alive and I didn't know what to do.

She smiles at me and for the first time I noticed that her eyes had become a beautiful bright blue, and her skin was glowing. She looked healthy and so happy to see me.

I felt my heart shattering inside my chest. The tiny shards were cutting me deep and the pain was becoming to much.

"Hey princess" I manage with a shaky voice.

Her smile only widens and she flashes me a toothy grin.

"Hi" she answers with a little wave as a fiery blush took over her face.

She makes her way over to me and stops when she's right in front of me. Her hands instantly go to the pendent around my neck, before quickly sliding up to my hair. She closes the distance between us and presses her full lips against mine. Her hands were running though my hair and her body was pressed against mine, she was kissing me with a passion I hadn't seen from her before.

"Happy 4th of July River" she tells me with a big grin on her beautiful face.

I couldn't speak, I knew if I did I would lose it. I was at war with myself and it was killing me inside. There was a indescribable ache down deep in my body and the longer I waited to tell her, the more it surfaced.

"Everything okay?" She's asks me with her honey smooth voice.

I glance up and meet her ocean eyes. Her eyebrows were furrowed and she was truly concerned, I could see it written on her face. It was as obvious as the black ink encased on my body.

My hands move up to cup her face and I brush my thumbs along her cheeks before leaning closer to her and ever so gently pressing my lips to hers.

I knew that I was saying goodbye to her, I knew that I'd never see her again after all this was over. I knew she would hate me but I wanted to show her how much I cared for her. How much I truly loved her. I wanted to cherish her and the brief time we had left.

When I pull away from her I see tears streaming down her face.

"Why are you crying baby?"

"I just- I wish I had waited"

I felt my heart drop.

"Oh baby"

"I wish I had met you before I went through all this s-shit with Reed." She states as a sob escapes her lips.

I pull her body closer to mine and place a gentle kiss on her forehead before she's rests it against my chest.

"I don't want to forget River. I don't want to forget how I feel right now, with you." She mumbles into my hoodie.

Maybe it was selfish of me, but I wanted all of her even if it was just for tonight. Even though I knew everything was going to change. I still wanted every part of her.

"Emery" I whisper her name. It rolls off my tongue like honey.

She pulls away and her bright blue eyes meet mine.

"Will you trust me enough to give yourself to me? I want to cherish every part of you. I want us to make a memory of this moment."

I was silently begging, pleading with her to give herself to me. I wanted to break down her walls and I wanted her to trust me, even though I know I didn't deserve it.

The look in her eyes threw me for a loop. All I saw was trust and I hated myself for it. I hated that I let her trust me when I knew the whole time what was happening. But by this point I was in way to deep.

Emery stepped away from me and pulled her shirt over her head and her shorts quickly followed.

I take my time studying her, I wanted to memorize every inch of her, from the freckles scattered across her nose, to the birthmark she had on her left hip. I wanted it all engrained in my mind.

"You're so fucking perfect"

A red blush ignites on her cheeks as she stands in front of me.

She slowly makes her way over to me and runs her hands down my chest until she gets to the hem of my hoodie. She slowly peels my shirt and sweater off of me in one motion before she moves to my jeans. Her fingers shake as she unfastens the button and push them down my legs.

Her eyes never left mine. I watched in awe as her pupils dilated and lust filled them. I watched as she ran her soft fingers over the ink on my skin. I watched as she sucked her bottom lip in between her teeth and pressed her body against mine.

I hated this. I hated that I could feel everything. I wasn't numb like normal. I felt human and I fucking hated it. I hated myself even more because I let myself get sucked in to her. I let myself cherish her and I let myself fall even more in love with her.

The fireworks filling the Maine sky was nothing compared to the fireworks that were ignited between Emery and I. Her moans and sounds of pleasure were lost in the salty beach air as we got lost in each other.

When she collapsed next to me and spoke her next words, I felt my body tense. I felt my heart shatter and I felt my world tilt on its axis.

By time I had registered what she said to me,  it was already to late. She was ripped away from me so fast. Louis has a vice like grip on her arm and I watched in horror as she winced in pain as he put a knife to her throat.

I heard her calling my name but I couldn't move, I couldn't do anything to help her. Louis taunted me as he got closer to her, he ran his hands over her body and I felt my skin burn hot with rage.

"Let's play a little game" he says to her before he puts a cloth over her mouth and nose.

She struggles for a good minute before her boy collapses.

"Leave her alone!" I beg.

Louis only smirks at me.

"You had your chance River. Now she's going to find out the hard way."

"I swear to god if you hurt her-"

"Don't worry. You've done all the damage already"

Louis motions to Carter and Ruben who pick her up and carry her down the stairs, before he turns back to me.

"Whenever you're ready River. You know where to find her."

I stand frozen in my spot. I couldn't will myself to move, my whole body was stuck.

The only thing that replayed in my head were the last words she spoke to me.

"I love you River"

A hot tear slipped out of my eye as my body collapsed to the ground.

I'm so sorry Emery.

I know this chapter moves kinda fast and it isn't the best writing I've done but I still think it captures the emotion and intensity of the scene and the relationship between River and Emery.

I was going to put a detailed mature scene in this chapter but decided id better not for a few reasons.

Anyway what do you guys think River should have done?

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