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My head was pounding as I struggle to open my eyes. A putrid smell of bleach and blood invaded my senses, and a bright light blinded me.

I blink a few times to adjust my eyes quicker before fully opening them. Panic settled in the pit of my stomach as I look around me.

I was in a concrete room with no windows and the only light was coming from the flickering lamp above me.

I tried to move but my wrists were tied behind me and every wiggle or squirm I did only worsened it. The ropes were digging into my skin and it was painful.

"Stop moving and it wouldn't hurt" a deep voice says causing my body to freeze.

I squint my eyes as I catch sight of something moving in the darkened corner of the concrete box.

The figure walked towards me and my eyes widen when I see a older sandy blonde male approach me.

"Who are you?" I ask in a shaky voice

"That's doesn't matter right now babygirl. What does matter is that we get what we want."

"I don't owe you anything. I don't even know who you are!"

"Not you babygirl. We don't want something from you. We want something from River."

Realization set in. They kidnapped me to get to him. But why?

"River doesn't have anything to do with me." I lie

I wanted to save not only myself but him too.

"Babygirl I'm not stupid. I see the way he looks at you, and you were snuggling up with him right after you guys slept together. Sex on the lighthouse is super iconic, especially since that's where you guys met."

I furrow my brows at him. How did he know that?

"Babygirl, River has been playing you since he met you. Do you really think someone like him would just randomly show up at the lighthouse?"

I hated that what he was saying actually made sense. But I didn't want to believe he was like that. I refused to.

"I still don't understand what I have to do with anything." I state.

The man chuckles and crosses his inked arms over his chest.

"Everyone has a weakness. And now I've finally  found his. Babygirl, i'm going to use you to ruin him."

"Louis! He's ready" a familiar voice says as they approach me.

My eyes widen at Carter. His eyes meet mine and I can see the guilt swarming in them. It frightened me. I didn't know what was going to happen to me.

The older guy -who I had learned was Louis- was watching me with a predatory glint in his brown eyes. I was definitely his prey. I felt so exposed under his stars. Being in only my panties and River's T-shirt didn't help at all.

"Perfect lead him in here" Louis barks to Carter.

Carter glances back at me again before exiting the room.

"This is gonna be fun babygirl" Louis sneers.

A few intense minutes pass before the door is slammed open and three figures enter the room. Two of the figures were dragging the third who was slumped over.

When they enter the light they throw the bloodied person on the ground and he lets out a groan.

I watch in horror as River tried to stand, but his muscles don't allow him too. His arms shake as he pushes himself up.

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