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The steam billowing out of the cup in my hand was the only thing that was keeping me centered. For some reason I was nervous about seeing the mysterious boy from the lighthouse again.

I had snuck out early this morning before John or my mom were up. I've basically been avoiding them since the party. I knew what I did and I needed to face to consequences eventually. Just not right now.

A big sign that read: DeLuca's auto body was hanging above me. I had finally gotten my nerves to chill as I stepped in to the metal building.

The combination of B.O. and oil was not good and it made me want to instantly gag. Old rock music was playing loudly in the garage as a few guys my age worked on different cars.

A ad on the wall caught my attention. It was for a street race that was happening at nine o'clock tonight a few miles outside of Bristol.

"You thinking about going?" A deep voice says, causing me to jump.

I turn towards the voice and am greeted with a brown haired boy.

"I was just looking"

The corner of his mouth tips up into a smirk and he raises an eyebrow.

"You here for pickup?"

"Uh no, actually I'm looking for someone."

"Okay who?"


"I uh. I don't know his name, he's tall and has a lip ring an-"

He cuts me off with a chuckle.

"Yo Ri get your ass out here!" He shouts as he turns his head to the side.

"Thanks I guess"

The brown haired boy smiles at me before walking back towards the garage.

"Hey princess what's up?"

I whip my head towards him and can't help but hawk at his arm muscles. He was wearing a loose black tank that showed off his tattoos and his muscular arms. I mean he wasn't huge but he sure wasn't scrawny either.

I shake my head of my thoughts and bring myself back to the present. His hazel eyes were boring into me as he tucked his lip ring between his teeth again.

"I uh, brought your change back." I stutter as I pull out the loose ones from my jacket pocket.

He takes them from my hand with a chuckle.

"Thanks princess"

I smile at him.

"Oh and here" I tell him extending out my hand with the coffee in it.

"What's this?" He asks hesitantly as he takes it.

"Double shot espresso"

His eyes snap up to mine for a brief moment before they drop away from my face.

"River don't forget to invite your girlfriend to the race tonight!" The boy from earlier shouts.

My cheeks burn hot.

"Shut the fuck up Carter!" River shouts back.

"So, your name is River?"

His attentions snaps back to me as a smirk takes over his face.

"You caught me princess"

"Well it's nice to finally meet you River"

A hint of a smile plays on his lips.

"You too"

A few silent moments pass between us before I speak again.

"So are you gonna invite me to that thing?" I ask pointing toward the poster

"I don't really think its your thing princess" he replies with a chuckle.

My eyes narrow in to slits as I glare at him.

"How would you know? You don't know anything about me"

River raises an eyebrow at me as he takes a sip of his coffee.

"Trust me princess I know more than you think"

"Try me" I challenge.

River shrugs his shoulder.

"Fine. I'll save you a seat" he says before turning on his heel and walking back to where ever he was before.


By the time seven o'clock had rolled around I was changed and ready to go.

I had changed into a pair of skinny jeans with rips in the knees and a black off the shoulder top. Now that the bruises had started to fade I was more comfortable showing my arms.

I did some light eyeshadow with mascara and some lipgloss and put my hair into a side braid.

I didn't know what to wear at these things and I didn't know what I was getting myself in to.

I grab my phone once it starts buzzing on my end table. Rolling my eyes I hit the decline button as I see Reeds name pop up on my screen.

I throw my phone back on my bed and grab my book of the shelf to read.

My phones dings notifying me of a text.

Reed: I know you're ignoring me Emery.

Reed: Answer your phone when I call you!

Reed: I'm taking you out tonight, our anniversary is coming up but I'll be out of town. You need to get over whatever is going on and quit throwing a tantrum.

Reed: I'll be outside at eight.

Sucks for him now doesn't it. I ignore all his messages. If he thinks that demanding that I do something and accuse me of throwing a tantrum then he can be ignored.

It's to bad for him that I'll be gone.

Only then did I realize that I didn't have a ride.

I pull out my phone and text River.

Just realized I didn't have a ride tonight.

Right away he responds.

Charming: and? What do you want me to do about that princess? ;)

Ugh. Can you give me a ride?

Charming: I'm a pretty busy guy. I can't just go around playing chauffeur to hot baristas.

Pleaseeeee River. I really need a ride :((

Charming: what do I get out of it.

Man he could be infuriating.

I'll give you free coffee for a week.

He doesn't respond and I feel myself deflate yet again. My phone dings in my hand.

Charming: deal princess. I'll be there in an hour.

A smile makes its way onto my face at the thought of seeing him again.

I didn't know what it was about him that made me smile so much. But I haven't smiled this much since my dad disappeared. It was nice.

My mind was swarmed with thoughts and questions about what was going to happen tonight.

I had never snuck out of the house before, let alone gone somewhere without either Reed or Jenna babysitting me. This was all new to me and I was scared, but at the same time I loved the thrill of sneaking around with a tattooed boy.

And for once I didn't think about the consequences.

Another short chapter... sorry!

The street race is the next chapter!

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