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The smell of coffee and doughnuts assault my nostrils as soon as I step in to the coffee shop. It was a quaint place on the far side of town along the beach. When I wasn't working here I was sitting in the corner table and reading.

Some said I was a bit of a nerd, my nose was always stuck in a book and I never got in trouble. It was kind of impossible with my step dad being the pastor.

Pastor John D. Wilkinson. He married my mom when I was twelve. Mom and dad were never married, they dated for a bit in high school and when she got pregnant they separated. Dad didn't want to be a parent and mom, well because she didn't keep her legs closed her parents disowned her. She didn't want me and she made sure I knew that.

"Em are you coming to the party tonight?" My best friend Jenna asks, taking a seat across from me.

"Not sure, I'd have to check with John and then see if Reed is going."

Reed was my boyfriend. He was tall and bulky and had soft brown hair and deep brown eyes. I never understood why he was with me, we were very different. I had pale skin and blonde hair. My eyes were a dull blue and he was at least a foot taller than me.

"Reed always goes to parties Em. Besides it's the first one of the summer, don't you want to have fun?"

I shrug my shoulders and put my attention back to my book.

Jenna lets out a sigh before she stands up and goes back behind the counter.

I read the same line over and over before I put down my book and let out a frustrated breath. I've been having such a hard time focusing lately I didn't know what was going on with me.

At first I thought it was because the anniversary of my dad's disappearance was coming up. Even though he didn't want to be a dad he was a great one. Every weekend he would take me down to the beach or the lighthouse. They had become my favorite place.

Then all of a sudden one day he was gone. No note, no goodbye. Word spread quickly in our small coastal town, and I became known as the girl with the disappearing father.

The first few years all I got was pity looks and apple pies from 'concerned neighbors'. Nobody knew what had happened and nobody cared. After a few weeks the buzz died down and everyone had forgotten who William Robinson was.

Then in swooped Pastor John. He claims to have rescued us from the devils hell. After all a single mother is forbidden in gods eyes.

I gather my things and stuff them neatly in to my old leather cross body bag before standing up. I give a small wave to Jenna before stepping out in to the cool Maine weather.

I adjust my sleeves on my hoodie to hide the bruises on my arms and begin walking toward the beach. The smell of the salt water mixed with the cool breeze sent a easy calm over me.

Once my feet hit the sand I bend over and take off my shoes. I let my toes sink in the sand and close my eyes before taking a deep breath of the salty ocean air.

I was just beginning to feel some sort of peace when a horn honked behind me. I whip around to see the familiar black mustang. The window rolled down and I'm met with the toothy grin of my boyfriend.

"Hey baby."

I slowly walk over to his car and get in the passenger seat.

Reed leans over and plants a wet kiss on my lips before linking our fingers together and driving off in the direction of my house.

I stare out the window as I watch the birds fly above us. I wish I could be free like them.

"What's going through that pretty head of yours?" Reed asks breaking me out of my trance.

I glance over at him and force a smile.

"Just thinking"

"You're always think Emery"

"It's helps me escape"

Reed scoffs as he turns down my street.

"Escape what? You have the perfect life. You have two parents who love you, a boyfriend who really cares for you, and a best friend that would do anything for you."

"You do realize that John isn't my father right?"

Reed shrugs.

"So? He's always treated you like his own"

If only he knew.

Reed pulls into my driveway. As I open the door he grabs my wrist and stops me from leaving the car.

"Come to the party tonight with me. I'll make sure you won't get in to any trouble."

"I don't know Reed."

"I'll pick you and Jenna up here at eight" he says not even acknowledging what I said.


"No buts. You're coming with me Emery. I've already talked to John about it and he said it was fine"

I slowly nod my head and lean over to kiss Reed on the cheek. He turns his head at the last second and crashes his lips onto mine. His hand grips the back of my head forcing me to kiss him.

When he finally lets me go the pop of our lips separating echoes throughout his car.

"I'll see you tonight baby." Reed says with a smirk.

I get out of his car and head up the stairs of my house.

"Mom? I'm home!" I call when I step inside.

When I don't hear a response I head down the hall and into my bedroom. I put my purse on my desk and take my shoes off before laying flat on the bed. I splay out on my baby blue sheets and close my eyes picturing myself far from here. Far away from Reed, far from John, and far from Bristol.

My phone dings in my hoodie pocket, I pull it out to see a text from Jenna on my screen.

Jenna: Reed Just told me the news! I'll be by after my shift and we can get ready together!

I roll my eyes and tuck my phone back in my pocket without responding.

I turn my head and glance at the last picture taken of my father and I. It was a few days before he disappeared. He looked so happy.

I felt tears well up in my eyes but I push them back. I haven't cried since the day mom told me my dad was gone.

"I miss you daddy"

Silence answers me as my eyes snap shut again. I still had a few hours until Jenna would be here so I take the opportunity to try and catch up on my sleep. I huddle under my blanket and wrap my arms around my teddy bear before slowly falling into a dreamless sleep.

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