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We both get out of the water drenched from head to toe.

"You so cheated and I'm gonna get you back for that" I tell her as we head under one of the big oak trees.

"I did not cheat, you're just mad because you got distracted." She replies with a smirk.

I narrow my eyes at her in a playful way and rest my hands on my hips. She so cheated.

"I don't know what you think happened princess but what I know is that you gave me that damn smile that drives me nuts and bit your lip. That's cheating"

She shrugs her shoulders and raises a perfectly styled eyebrow at me.

"Even if I did cheat, which I didn't, but if I did there's nothing you could do about it. I won which means that you are a stinky, nasty, gross, rotten egg" she says sticking her tongue out at me.

In a quick motion I lunge toward her and grab her by her waist before throwing her over my shoulder. She screams and punches my back as I walk back over to the picnic spot.

"If you don't stop hitting me I'm going to spank you" I threaten.

"You wouldn't"

"Oh I would. Try me princess"

"River put me down" she whines.

"Not until you admit to cheating."


"Fine" I say nonchalant as I put her back on her feet and begin tickling her sides.

"Ahh stop! Riv- ahhh"

"Admit you cheated"


I shrug and continue my assault on her sides. She had grabbed my forearms and her head was throw back as her eyes watered and her melodic laugh reached my ears.

"Fine!" She finally caves.

I stop tickling her but don't remove my hands from her body.

"I'm sorry that I 'cheated'" she tells me with an eye roll and quotations marks made with her hands.

I smile down at her as she rests her hands on my chest, her fingers run over the Roman numerals inked onto my body before they start to twiddle with the pendent I always wore.

Her ocean blue eyes meet mine and a small smile plays on her lips.

I love you

I wanted to say it, it was on the tip of my tongue. But I was too afraid. I was scared she'd run off or reject me. I finally put myself out there and really fell for someone and I was terrified of losing her. I didn't know what I'd do.

Instead of using words I pressed my lips against hers and cherished her.


My fingers speed against my screen as I step into my empty apartment.

Thanks for the help man, she loved it!

Alex: good, she deserves some form of happiness.

My heart hurt as I read his words. He was right, she deserved all the happiness in the world.

"Times up River" my dad's voice says snapping my attention to him.

Louis was standing with him and he had an evil smirk on his face.

"I gave you a month. Thirty damn days River and you failed. I warned you." My dad growls as he wipes the head of his gun with a cloth.

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