Chapter 80: Hospital

Start from the beginning

Scott: You look like you're seventeen.

Ash: Eighteen, actually. And I've taken down two brothers with the help of my friends and family. I killed one psychopath and put the other one in a Psychiatric Hospital. My brother is dating their sister.

Scott: Oh. Who's their sister?

Ash: Selene Taylor.

Scott had a look of realization cross over his face.

Scott: Oh! You're that kid that shot Brennen.

I heard footsteps behind me and I turned around. I came face to face with Will and Selene. Their hands were interlocked at their sides.

Scott: Well, isn't it nice to see you again?

He said with the stereotypical creepy tone and look while looking Selene up and down. Will was already mad at he was in the process of sending a glare at Scott.

Selene: Why are you here?

Scott: I told you I would never leave you, baby. I'm coming to get you.

He drawled while walking over and caressing her face. Will was about to explode any second and Scott was about to be a dead duck.

Will: Like hell you are.

Will barked in the harshest tone I've ever heard from him.

Scott turned his attention to Will for a second.

Scott: Awe, that's cute.

He grabbed Selene's free hand and dropped it quickly.

Scott: I know that if I kept ahold of your hand, you would try and kill me. Good thing I brought the collar.

Selene's eyes filled with tears as she began shaking violently.

Will: Selene? Baby, I'm right here.

Yep, this damn duck isn't going to be able to quack anymore in a few seconds. Will pushed Selene behind him and got in Scott's face.

Will: Stay. Away. From her.

Will growled in an intense tone.

Scott: I just wanted to play with her a little bit. Same thing you've been doing. You know, they say sharing is caring-

Will: Go fuck yourself sideways.

Will cursed while keeping eye contact.

Scott: Rather not.

He demurred calmly. Scott sprang back when he heard footsteps walking down the hallway.

Jack peeked his head around the corner before fully walking into the baby area. Scott left rather quickly, like he was running late for something. I looked at Jack confused.

Ash: What are you doing here?

Jack: Oh, I came to meet my daughter.

He smiled at me before turning back to the window with all the children. I heard Selene and Will leave, probably to calm Will down before he blows a fuse.

Ash: Say what now? You have a kid?

I questioned.

Jack: I'm adopting. I went through all the classes last week and I passed everything. The home studies are still pending but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't let me meet her if I didn't pass those.

The astonished look on my face gave away my next question.

Jack: I'm clean. I have been for months. Last night after I saw what happened to Peyton, I stopped selling as well.

Ash: Don't take this offensively, but, Why did you decide to adopt?

Jack: I guess I just needed someone to make a promise to besides myself. Plus, this kid's mom is like mine: addicted. I wish no one had to grow up like I did, not knowing where your next meal would come from, wondering if every time your parent left, if you'd ever see them again, having to lie to your friends about why they can't come over.

Ash: You're doing something really great.

Jack: How's Peyton? I haven't got to check on her yet.

Ash: She had a miscarriage. They had to do surgery. She's in ICU.

Jack: That's one hell of a way to find out your girlfriend's pregnant.

I looked at him, shocked.

Ash: You knew too? Was I literally the only one who didn't know?

Jack sighed and turned toward you.

Jack: She was just scared of being a mom and if she told you then everything became real.

A nurse walked out of the area where the kids were.

Nurse: Are one of you two Jack Meyers?

Jack smiled and raised his hand slightly.

Jack: That's me.

Nurse: The person who's been dealing with the adoption wanted me to let you know that everything checked out and you can take her home today.

Jack: Are you serious?

She chuckled and smiled at his elated expression.

Nurse: Completely.

Jack: What's her name?

Nurse: The biological mother wants nothing to do with her. You can name her whatever you desire.

Jack stared off into space for a second before answering.

Jack: Misti Miracle Meyers.

Ash: That's a beautiful name.

Jack: She's a miracle, so why not name her what she is?

The nurse smiled at Jack's statement before asking more questions.

Nurse: Is there a significant other or are you an only parent?

Jack: It's just me.

Nurse: Do you have any godparents in mind?

Jack looked over his shoulder at me.

Jack: Do you think you and Peyton would be up to it?

Thoughts on the events of this chapter?


"I must be running out of luck
Cause you're just not drunk enough to fuck
And now I've had it up to here
I don't want you

It took so long to see
You walked away from me
When I need you."

Previous Winner: Mychaelisbanana

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