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~To die hating them,
that was freedom.
-George Orwell

"I hate you" I spat not leaving eye contact from my father's eyes. As his bony paw reaches out for me, I can hear 'her' laugh, a cruel, cold cackle that froze me in my spot and drained all hope, dreams, and feeling from within me, replacing them with a feeling of despair, hopelessness and most of all, fear.

There she was all dressed up like it was appropriate for this kind of day, what a bitch. "No, no Laura don't be rude."

"Fuck you Sarah" Without a word she slapped me across the face, I winced at the pain that sho9t across my face looking at her, she chuckled walking up to me.

Her fingernails dug deep in my flesh and I almost fainted but with one more slap across the face, she drove me awake. "Not yet," she said with a grimace look on her face, I choked the breath from my lungs and left my body dry heaving, desperately trying to rid me of all this. Black mist swirled at the edges of my mind, drawing me into its open arms and salty tears spilled over onto my cheeks leaving a tight, dry feeling.

She dugged deep inside me and I screamed. Only I didn't. I strained my vocal cords but not a sound came out. Still, I screamed, hoping someone would hear. I screamed and screamed and screamed. "Sounds like music to my ears when you scream for help"

This morning every food was cardboard. No amount of chewing made it possible to swallow. My mouth is dryer than a sandbox in summer. If he doesn't call soon I'm going to be sick. He'd call every. morning for the three days I've been here and not a word would be uttered out my mouth only a slight noodles. The beaten that they'd give me made me number all over.

He asks me to tell him about life in here, dull though it is what life could I possibly live in this dungeon.

He would never hang up either, Sarah would have to be the one to do that.

"Shall we call him now? Or you want to wait?" She shrugged slapping me over and over again this always happens when he doesn't call first. My father brings the bucket of water and places in front of me while Sarah went to set up the camera. Each moment passing to the next, taking me away from the allotted time for his call.

John comes in front of me and I know what he's going to do at this moment, I held my breath and waited he dipped my head in the water and squeezed my throat. The water went through my nose and into my nose somehow by this he pushed my head further down. I thrashed around until I could find something I heard him groan and the grip that he had on my head was gone. I came up from the bucket and took a long gasp trying to inhale as much air I could.

Who knew they could be this cruel?

Sarah turned the camera on, placed it in front of me, and stood behind me with her hands on my shoulders, the feeling of tension increased each time I stared at the screen. What the hell is she's doing, curiosity eats me all over again.

"Well, well isn't it the famous Vincent," Sarah said from behind me making me shiver. "Sarah let her the fuck go now-" She snapped at him caught him by surprise.

"No! You give me exactly what I want and I'll let your piece of trash go." I had a throbbing headache but where was it coming from, is it the fact that my mum the woman that gave birth to me was disrespecting me. I was her daughter, she stooped so low. She kidnapped me, abused me, gave me trash to eat what was so important for her to do all this I could tell by now this woman was crazy and her constant shouting at the screen.

I felt my lungs burning I could hardly breathe, what was happening? I'm drowning, I'm drowning. I tried fighting but it was no use my head wouldn't bulge whosoever had a hold of my head ensured I wouldn't come up from this. "What it's going to be Vincent? Watch your wife or give me exactly what I want the times ticking."

My head is pounding, every cell in my body is screaming for oxygen. I keep fighting until I feel like my head is about to explode, I have to take a breath. So I do. For some reason it doesn't hurt like I thought it would, I'm not scared anymore, it's almost peaceful actually. I begin to fall. I fall further and further into the darkness until it threatens to swallow me whole.

My head was brought back out the water, I coughed trying to find air. "You are fucking crazy what have I ever done to you," I screamed out of breath still couching.

"What have I ever done to get this punishment, not once I have ever found myself doing something wrong but you too abused me for what?" They stood there watching me helpless not daring to answer. "Answer me!" I shout, my father's hand cracks across my face, snapping it back with the force of his blow and causing my head to reel sickeningly as it slams into the wall behind me.

"Don't, you have no right to call your mother crazy," That is all he heard me say my pleading for help was completely blocked out from his ears. The pain that he caused me he didn't see any of it. It's all because of her I had to go through all of this, my father never treated my like this he never put his hands on me but I was wrong he can never call himself a father more like a pedophile who's blinded by a woman's word.

"Do I look crazy to you?" Sarah shouts, kicking me in the stomach. Luckily my hands were there to protect me, I was thinking what if I was pregnant again? I want on any pills nor did we use any protection but I doubt I am.

"No you're not crazy," John said drawing Sarah back, she sniffled and started crying I could see the anger on John's face, and in a quick second, I was being dragged off the floor and flung to a wall.

"Apologize to your mother." He shouts at me, I looked at my Sarah who was smirking me what did I figured fake tears. "What should I apologize for? And she's not my mother you guys should know you are all dead to me." He didn't stop slapping me, and I wasn't going to apologize. I was being stubborn, my life was on the line but I didn't care I know the twins would be well-taken care of even if they beat me till I pass out it wasn't going to solve their problem because I wasn't going to apologize.

"No! Stop I'll come to the location" I look up at the screen with a blurry vision to see Vincent his jaw was clenched and had this evil look on his face. I was beginning to faint more, my hands go to my bruised cheek that's were darkness consumed me.

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