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~If someone makes you feel,
let them.
-Reyna Biddy

It was Tina's birthday, and we were without a doubt having an amazing time, she had invited some folks that I am slowly becoming pals with. "Laura baby!" I giggled watching Andrew's every move don't be surprised at how he moved in the case of him being this manner due to the fact he liked Claire who was watching him in astonishment her hazel eyes shining within the mild her dimples shooting up every time she cracked a smile.

"Oh, Andrew I will definitely have this dance" I chuckled taking his hands, Andrew without a doubt changed into first-class looking his curls had been midnight black, and his eyes were a dull brown, framed via sleek brows. He had prominent cheekbones, and a well-characterized chin and nose. I would smile every time he'd twirl me around making me giggle. My toes began to feel sore, so, I went to have a take a seat, Tina became lively talking on her cellphone, and smiling away Andrew and Claire supported themselves in some types of warming conversation which seemed reluctantly dreadful by the way how they gazed at each other with desire.

I was feeling a bit left out, and it changed into getting chafing not to have anyone to communicate with it was getting even late and I informed Vincent and it was close to one o'clock. My telephone buzzed in my hands giving me a shocking stunning fright, by the thought of Vincent it must be him however I glowered when I saw it was Luke.

The butler why might he call me at this time at night? I moved away and went into a much quieter room picking up the call. "Hey?" I responded, but what he said next had me questioning two times, how can this possibly happen this must be a prank, however, when he talked it regarded so actual, however, I couldn't agree with my ears.

"What do you mean he is missing" without even listening to his reply I hung up the phone and soon realized my mistake, so, I called again. "Text me the address at in which you let him off," I paced across the room biting my fingernails when I felt blood tasted in my mouth, I squirmed and pulled them out, I shivered, but it wasn't from the cold. It was the concept of losing him, it took him a while to reply, and I wonder what changed into taking him so long my foot changed into shaking my heart turned into hustling fast. Please tell me he is okay.

"Mam I am sorry, however, I am afraid I cannot do this can't be happening right now, he is missing, and he doesn't want anybody to know where he went."I am his wife, what if he is in danger" I gave him no danger of replying once I snapped throwing, the smartphone on the wall inflicting it to interrupt, I pulled at my hair in anger.

Fantastic, how can he do this to me he dares to test my moralities. I took a deep breath and walked back into the living room gaining everyone's attention. "What's up, you okay? You don't look so good" Tina came close to me touching me on my arm, I wish I was okay Tina I gravely wanted to mention.

"I am well just going to go out I'll text you, bye guys" I waved at them walking out the apartment, what exactly am I going to text her with now.

I got in the vehicle and made my way, slamming the door shut with a loud bang. He doesn't need anybody to know am I simply anyone? His big-fat ego makes him do some unrealistic matters. The untouchable Vincent thinks that not even a bullet can pierce his skin. What a comic story.

I made my up the stairs and went instantly into my room going under the covers, but my thoughts wasn't at ease because it kept reminding me that Vincent is missing neither the rain and the dreadful lightning changed into haunting me in my sleep, I looked out the stained-glass windows and French doorways main out to a balcony that overlooks the lawn. I was got off the bed and opened the doorways a chilling breeze hit me as quickly as I opened them. The atmosphere around me calmed, the soothing sounds of the overwhelming rain drumming down on the rooftop moved me, the scent of moist roses sweeps into my nostril. The sky is becoming darker the rain falls more rapidly to the floor making a song. I leave the window a crack allowing the sparkling air to fill my room. But quickly the lightning strikes startling me I swallowed pulling the covers over me.

My mind drifts to Vincent in that short period how could this possibly happen he's a grown man, even if he wasn't, he just doesn't get lost he's a shrewd man and him being missing could be genuinely true he had numerous foes yes but who would be that insane as well have him a prisoner or most terrible, murder him. My head was engulfed with negative thoughts of the possibility of something happening to him, forcing myself to come to my senses I walked up the flight of stairs to the third floor, I was forbidden to not even step on these floors, but I deny to tolerate to these rules, I wasn't some little girl.

Twisting the doorknob, I peeked my head inside his room, the manly cologne filling my nostrils I froze in my spot when I saw him but I scowled opening the door further to notify him that I'm here. He walked to his closet at that point stepping out with a pile of clothes. he was leaving without telling me.

"So, it's like that now Mr. Johnson?" he took up clothes after the other from the pile folding them and placing them in the suitcase, "What's like that Laura? And didn't I make myself clear that you shouldn't be on this floor" He hated when I called him Mr. Johnson by the irritation his voice, I rolled my eyes walking to his bed where he was.

"You going missing and having me here worrying about you" he stared at me I willing wanted him not to look away just hold the connection a little longer but his eyes fixated back to his packing."I didn't ask you to be worried Laura nor was I missing, it's just a misunderstanding."

"So where are you going?" I asked knowing that I won't get anything out of him if I even did what was I suppose to with the information. "Out" He simply said half shrugging." Obviously, where exactly are you going I need a name" He's being the stubborn asshole like before.

I took clothes out of the suitcase one after the other until it was empty he watched my every move not daring to stop me. Without anticipation, he threw them back in the suitcase zipping the bag up crossing his arms over his chest looking down at me.

"Laura, we are not doing this now get off the suitcase," He ordered if he's going to be stubborn so am I going to be. A sigh slipped through his lips, and I smiled in satisfaction. "I'm going to Italy satisfied?" I nodded, but after thinking about it am I going to be here alone?

"How long are you going to be there for?" Closing his eyes a propensity that he does when he's going into profound consideration but what's that to think about, that's a simple question "Inquire to me with a conceivable question Laura."I opened my mouth to protest, but quickly shut it back when he gave me a warning look." Can I come?" He shook his head and I scowled. "If I even get to carry you and lock you inside a hotel with guards everywhere you'd escape and track me down so no."That's so not true, my attempts of breaking out the house failed so what made him think it will happen when I go to Italy what an excuse to get laid in Italy.

"And I'm not attending to get laid so fix that face of yours, how can I possibly do that when my wife's insane" I chuckled knowing I'm going to miss him but I couldn't tell him that, it's clear appeared by my actions.

"Do you have to go today, you'll be able to let it hold up until tomorrow or another week?" I whined gazing in his blue eyes, he chuckled. "Yes I got to go, Italy is somewhere I hate but its business love" he caressed my cheeks saying, I closed my eyes enjoying how this feels his touch and the inebriation of his cologne that filled my nostrils.

I opened my eye seeing a slight smile on his lips, but it quickly disappeared.

There was thoughtfulness in his smile, tenderness and I astounded to see that smile, Vincent never smiles that I know of. It was the smile of one who laughed with ease and saw a person beneath the conduct, a soul-connector.

"There's a lot of hot girls in Italy I heard." The breath was taken away, not from the squeeze but from the realization that his arms were finally around me, I became oblivious of the world around us "I know love I grew up there, but they aren't hot as my wife" All thoughts stopped as if my heart took over from my head every time we were close I know this won't happen again. "I'm going to miss you, Laura."

I whispered in his ears saying "Never let go" he tensed, but soon calmed when I slowly stroked his back, I closed my eyes, and all noise around the room stopped.

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