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~Love is built on
free will and free choice,
not control and manipulation.
-Ken Poirot

"Laura, get up!" I heard a loud knocking on the door that woke me up. I rolled over, blinking groggily. Who could it be at this time in the morning? "Go away!" Pulling a pillow over my head, the banging on the door gave me a slight headache.

"Laura, if you don't get up this instance," the person who was on the outside of the bedroom threatened. I threw another pillow, and rolled over, but came crashing down on the floor. "Ouch!" I cried in pain, rolling off my back and onto my side. "Laura!" Tina's voice rang out in my head. "What is it now Tina and why are you here so early?" I opened my eyes and found her face inches away. I sighed and pushed her away from our closeness, getting up.

"Laura, it's twelve in the afternoon and you're still in bed," I frowned, drawing my hands close to my mouth, stifling a feigned yawn of boredom battering my eyelids open. "Why are you here anyway?" I looked at myself in the mirror, heaving out a deep sigh. I looked terrible. "Vincent told me to come wake you up," couldn't he just do that himself? I walked down the stairs and walked straight to the dining area.

"Sit Laura," I looked around the house to see if anyone was in the house, but nobody was here. I took my regular position and sat back in silence. "Get ready, we are leaving in two hours," I gripped the knife and fork. "Where are we going, Mr. Johnson?" I said through gritted teeth, the irritation in my voice.

Something flashed beneath the surface of his hardened expression and I hurried to investigate the sudden shift. It was too late. The emotion disappeared before I could identify it. "To my parents' house. Laura now go and get ready. It will be a short visit, so don't pack anything."

I sat quietly, unable to move from my seated position. He was crazy if he thought I was going to meet his family.

"Do you want me to help you pack?" Tina flipped through the magazine, popping gum with her feet in the air. I rolled my eyes, shoving chips into my mouth. "I'm not going anywhere," I groaned, tugging at my hair in irritation. If I'm not able to confront Vincent most of the time when he's around, imagine his family. That's ten times the firepower.

"Laura, get down here right now!" I threw the bag of chips in the air because of the voice that startled me. Ascending down the flight of stairs where Vincent waited. Taking small strides, I made my presence known by the clearing of my throat. "I don't want to go, can't we go another day," an unidentifiable expression lurked in his dark features with the shaking of his head to answer my question, which was a no. "But I don't want to go," I pouted like a child crossing my arms.

"Stop acting like a child, Laura, and go get ready. Nothing will change my mind about us going," I stomped my feet like a child in a tantrum, walking back up the stairs. My hair was messy, but I didn't care. I was still in my sweatpants and an oversize hoodie. On the way up, I grabbed my handbag. I stood at the top of the stairs watching as he grew angrier. I graced him with my presence by throwing my handbag at him, which he gradually caught.

"Ms. Smith, your behavior is not acceptable and go and change that," He pointed his finger all over my outfit in disgust. I rolled my eyes, pulling over my hood, mocking him and stomping my feet. "I'm so sick of this whole better-than-thou attitude you all have." I snapped walking up the stairs, slipping on a black dress, fixing my hair and applying natural makeup, slipping on my heels, walking back downstairs.

"Will this work?" He eyed me up and down, nodding his head. "I guess it will do" he guesses how inconsiderate.

This was my first time flying on a private jet. I looked up and gulped, taking a step backward. "I'm not going on that thing," I looked around the deserted area and made a run for it. "Grab her!" I heard him yell at one of the many guards. My body was flung over muscular shoulders, making me yelp in surprise.

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