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~If your heart has seen
better days, I swear to you
it will see them again.
-JH Hard

My dream ended abruptly, as I was shaken back into reality. My eyes opened, my eyelashes faintly batting against my lids when I blinked. I lay in my room with the beeping sound of the machine, debating whether I should get up or not.

My muscles felt weak, just like my energy. I let out an exasperated sigh, groaning as I got up to look around the room. What time was it? How long have I been asleep? Did I have clothes on? All of these questions shot through my mind as I let out a loud yawn.

I had on a change of clothes, but I'm certain that this wasn't what I had on. My limbs were aching, a pain I hadn't undergone in years. Letting out a stifled yawn, I saw something in the corner of my eye. I frowned, looking down at my arms. There were about four different types of wires, each of them connected to a different section of my body. With trembling hands, I brought them to my face. The nose canal was there for sure. Each wire connected to an IV machine that sat at the side of the bed. I had an accident again. I tried shuffling around my mind for any recollections of what could've been the cause of my accident, but my mind was fuzzy from thinking too vastly.

I grumbled while taking each wire out. I despise the idea of feeling like I'm in the hospital. And these stupid wires keep reminding me of the day when I cut my wrist. Shutting my eyes, I push the memory at the back of my head.

If I'm not mistaken, then Vincent might be back if I'm hooked to perfection, but at the same time, I could be wrong. He was away on a business trip. I still remember that I still carry these weird feelings for him.

Pushing myself to a comfortable sitting stance, I got up gradually on my feet but slammed right back down on the bed. My feet were hurting, and I had to wonder how long I had been in this bed. If standing was so hard, then imagine taking a few baby steps. That's how I felt at the moment while staring at the wall, like a toddler waiting for someone to instruct me on how to take my first step.

How long was I supposed to sit here? I was lost in my thoughts, asking so many questions that I wouldn't get answers to if I didn't try to get up. With wobbly legs, I got up, ignoring the pain that I felt. Each stride felt as though I was walking on needles, but as I drew closer, they were long gone.

Finally, reaching the staircase, I took in the air. I felt out of breath just by walking for such a short time. I was still thinking about what had taken place, but each time I'd do so, a headache would pound on my head. My break was over. Taking my time down the stairs, I prayed not to trip and tumble down the stairs. Or I'd end up in that bed again, hooked up with wires again.

Just by the notion, my mouth tasted sour. Stepping off the last stairs, I sighed and patted myself on the back for not embarrassing myself. "What do you mean she won't?" The shouting made my headache got even worse. I'm sure that it was Vincent. He's the only one that insists on shouting in this house when he's furious. "If she doesn't, I'll ruin you!"

His body came into my line of view. He wasn't in his normal attire, which was frightening to me. Seeing him in just a t-shirt and sweatpants was rare, so I had to take in every fragment of his being. I could probably be daydreaming for all I know. He was pacing back and forth, shouting over the phone to the person that was on the other end of the phone.

He hadn't noticed my presence, and I had to make myself a note or I'd be caught creeping around just by looking at him. Knowing that he'd taunt me for the rest of the day by staring at me like a lunatic, I called out to him, "Vincent." My voice wasn't raspy when I spoke, it came out just above a whisper. He stopped in his tracks and turned around slowly.

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