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~If you tell the truth,
you don't have to remember anything.
-Mark Twain

"Let me go!" I struggled to try to break free from Vincent's grip. I was held by the shoulder and had to look him in the face. "Your going anywhere? I'm not risking you harming yourself ever again!" he angrily shouts, shaking me by the shoulders. "Please, just don't try anything stupid. I'm stepping out for a few minutes, so behave or you'll be punished. " He turned to the door and left; I was left with my thoughts and the steadying of the machine that showcased my heartbeat statistics.

My face has become rigid, my jaw clamped tight and teeth grinding. It's time to get out of here before I do something I'll regret. I look at the glass on the small table. I took my time getting up, but my body ached a lot. He was, walking through the door like he owned the place.

"I hope you weren't about to do something stupid now Laura" I'm not sure if I like the idea of being around him anymore. He seems to know my every move and annoys me with every blinking time he gets.

"No, I was just trying to go to the bathroom. How about a hand for a friend? It was evident that I was lying and he didn't seem to convince anyone out there. I had written my death wish.

"What did I say about lies, little Laura?" He took strides towards the bed. His face was inches away from mine. I could smell his minty-fresh breath and I think he had just brushed his teeth just now. "That you don't like them," I gulped, drawing back further into bed.

"You'll be discharged soon, now that you are perfectly fine." What if he takes me to where he kills and abducts people? I wonder if the stories are true about him. Does he really have a dungeon? Or does he really burn their bodies alive? I'm really curious about how he tortures his victims.

"When we leave here, we are going home, right? You aren't going to kill me and throw my body in the ocean, "he chuckled, leaning in closer while I leaned back, laying flat on my back. "I should've killed you when you made that dumb mistake and if I wanted you dead, I'd have let you die that night," he chuckled, drawing back.

"So you really kill people?" I never wanted to ask him that, but what if he really did kill people? I can't have a husband who kills me. What if he kills me? Nobody will ever know. Only Tina and nobody else. The thought of being killed brought a shiver down my spine all the way down.

"Yes, I kill people who want me to take them to my dungeon sometimes." Now he was being sarcastic when his lips twitched. That smile of his must be beautiful. His brows lifted, his chuckle deep and warm.

"I don't kill people, Laura. If it's what you think, it's if I'm in a life and death situation, then I'll kill to save my life." His tone and expression were nothing but understandable. He was being more serious about this situation.

I looked down at my wrist, running my hands over the bandage, actually regretting what I did in the state of mind of not thinking I almost ended my life. What if I didn't scream that night? What if I didn't fight back? Maybe he would've raped me or worse, kill me. My parents are to blame for all of this. It wouldn't be a problem if they loved me like how parents are supposed to love a child. It's been causing chaos in my life and others.

"Stop thinking about it Laura," rotating my head to look at Vincent. He knew that something was wrong. He always knew just in that short time we had been together. He had been watching me so keenly.

"I ran away when I was thirteen and came here with nothing." I took a deep breath and continued. The look on his face was different. The same look I saw when I passed out every time. Regret. "I was abused, beaten with anything my parents could get their hands on, stepped on, thrown into walls and mirrors." I chuckled, shaking my head. The scars were vanishing but were still embedded in my mind.

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