Chapter 14 : Challenger

Start from the beginning

And to his other hand, he's surprised to feel it paralyzed too, one of the guards paralyzed his arm and the other stood in front of Hinata.

"Here in the Hyūga" The man in front of Hinata said "We allow challengers. But we do not tolerate it one bit if we are belittled. No one is to touch Hinata-sama inappropriately"

"P-Please let him go" Hinata said as she softly grabbed Naruto's kunai by the blade and carefully pulled it away, "No need for violence"

"But Hinata-" Naruto was cut off by Hinata frowning up the man and said "Outside a battleground, that is"

"Tsk. Cocky. Just like all the other Hyūga" The large man said, Hinata bowed "P-Please leave and cause no more ruckus... I-If you insist on fighting, the gate is open for challengers tomorrow at eight in the morning"

"Heh" The man said, walking away, bumping shoulders with Naruto.

Naruto tisked as he stood beside the shorter teen "What's that man's beef?"

"A-Ah, don't worry. We get challengers l-like him all of the time" Hinata assured as she shook her head for Kō who's asking if she was hurt anywhere.

The blonde looked at the timid bluenette and asked "So are you serious? You're gonna fight him?"

"I-I don't have a choice" Hinata said "M-My father insisted I-I practice my Jūken on him"

"Hah! Good luck for that dummy then!" Naruto cheered "Looks like I won't be taking hits for training this time, dattebayo!"

"P-Please excuse me" Hinata said as she bowed before turning her back to walk away, Naruto jumped in surprise "E-Eh?! Hinata, wait! Don't you wanna hang out?"

"I-I'm sorry, b-but my tea's gonna be cold if I don't drink it n-now" Hinata said as she kept walking, smiling apologetically, Naruto kept walking after her and "Don't worry, I'll wait, dattebayo!"

Kō shook his head and sighed "Hinata-sama..."

His guarding partner chuckled and said "Don't worry about it, Kō. It's good exercise, and staying outside is healthy, might even give her skin some color. Now hurry up and help me close this gate"

- - - - -

"Here" Hinata said as she handed Naruto his own cup, he smiled and said "Thanks"

"So..." Naruto said "About that guy"

"I-I have no idea who he is..." Hinata admitted "I'm not even sure if... I could defeat him..."

The blonde grinned and said "Don't worry, Hinata! You're amazing! I'm sure you could do it, dattebayo!"

Hinata giggled and said "Y-You're always so supportive" "Of course!" Naruto nodded "I believe in you, Hinata!"

"... Thank you, Naruto-kun"

- - - - -

"Hinata" Hiashi said as he walked towards his daughter, waiting patiently for her opponent, Hinata looked at him and bowed, he put his hand on her shoulder and said "I don't want to see any fire or lightning techniques from you today"

Hinata nodded, Hiashi then continued "I want you to solely rely on your Jūken. I want to see all of your techniques that you could put into your fight"

"Yes, father" Hinata said.

"Hiashi-sama! The challenger is here!"

Naruto shunshined on the roof and sat quietly, "Oh, Naruto!"

"Kiba and Shino" Naruto said in surprise "You're watching, too?"

"Yep!" Kiba proudly said "We even got t-shirts!"

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