✤ 1.41 - my inspiration ✤

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Posted: December 30th, 2019

Rihaan: 1.41 - my inspiration

"Kriana, please. Please, please, please!" I hound even as she tries to royally ignore me, putting her beats headphones on. For the last three days, I have been trying to convince her to sing the female verses of a song for me to use in the Diwali show.

It has been a month since my parent's anniversary, and we only have two more months left. 8 weeks. 19 more rehearsing days. So, if in the starting it seemed that 2 months is still a long time, let me tell you: it's not.

She finally snaps at me, "Find someone else, Rihaan. Now leave me the fuck alone."

I whine, "I did try na, Ana! And don't take Girish's anger out on me."

She rolls her eyes moving from the window seat in her room to her bed and falling back, dangling her feet off the edge. After a moment when I follow her there, she sighs and speaks in a much calmer voice. "I'm sorry, okay?" She apologizes for her later rude comment. "But I really don't have the time between studying, practice, and game days. Aru has already dragged me into a group dance performance. Even if I want to help you, I can't."

I don't want to make her feel bad for having to say no, but I am also out of options. It's true that half of the females in the school auditioned to be picked just like I had held auditions to put together the band who could play the instruments, but none of them had the voice I am looking for. Well... I only auditioned half of those because there were just too many girls and it irked me that more than half of those didn't even have a decent control over their voice. They were wasting my time just for a chance to sing with me.

Then, one evening when I had been frustrated at my wits end, Kriana asked me to sing the song so she could hear what it was like and she had hummed along a line. My search had ended there. She so rarely sings, I had forgotten she has an amazing voice too. In that matter, she got her parents' genes too.

I offer getting an idea, "What if I can solve one of your problem?"

She scoffs, "I highly doubt."

I admit, "Sure, I can't do anything about the dance or football, but I can help with studying."

She turns her head sideways to look at me with amusement, "Like you are doing any better."

"Maybe not, but I know who is." I grin and she narrows her brows at me as if knowing she is going to hate what I am going to say next. Still, I say it. "Ishaan."

She sits up in denial at once, "No. Hell no."

I sit up as well, persuading her. "Oh, come on. He tutored you last year. You did pretty well on your exams, didn't you?" When she does not retort instantly, I jump at the chance. "Please, Tiny. You know it too. Even if you don't particularly like him, he's good at teaching you the concepts."

She tries to make an excuse, "He's in college now. I doubt he has the time."

I don't let her win, however. "Cool, what if I ask him and if he says he's busy, then I won't bother you about this again."

Giving it a moment's thought, she reluctantly nods her head. I jump up on my feet in relief taking that as my problem solved because there is no way Ishaan will say no. "Thank you!" I give her a quick peck on her cheek, "Alright, gotta go. Lots to do." Just as I reach the door to her room, a thought passes my brain and turning to her, I warn, "And you can't call him up and threaten him to say no when I ask."

"Damn it." She mutters under her breath.

With a grin, I leave the Khanna house. Yup, I know this best friend of mines too well.

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