✤ 1.27 feelings are fatal ✤

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Posted November 10th, 2018

Rihaan: 1.27 feelings are fatal 

As I walk out of the house towards the party again, Kriana is the first to find me. "About time. Did you fall asleep in there or something?"

I ignore her question and ask one of my own, "Is San coming behind me?"

She glances past my shoulder and then back at me. "Yeah?"

"How does she look? Confused?"

She answers uncertainly, "Sure, I guess. You know it's tough to tell with that girl."

I smile, "Good."

She eyes me cautiously, "What did you do?"

"Nothing." I resume walking and she follows, hooking her arm with mine so I'll walk at her pace instead of mine.

"Rihaan." She says my name in an accusatory tone. "What did you do?"

I defend myself and assure her, "I swear, nothing. I just asked her what she feels for me."

She pulls me to a sudden stop that I stumble back, "Say what now?" I don't answer since she did hear me clearly, "Well? What'd she say?" She asks impatiently.

"As usual, nothing."

She frowns, but then eyes my smile. "Wait... why aren't you sad then?"

"I asked her as my birthday gift," I inform cheekily, "She'll tell me before the end of the night."

She raises her brows as if debating whether to be proud of manipulating Sanya or scold me. She decides to applaud, "You smug little bas..-"

I cover her mouth before she can finish saying that word. "Language."

She rolls her eyes and swats my wrist. I release my hold and continue walking. She follows me asking, "You're sure she'll tell you?"

"Yup," I confidently answer.

She bobs her head to the side in an approving manner, "Well, that's one way to go about it so you don't have to be the first one to confess."

I question, "Since when do you shy away from confessing?"

"I don't, but it doesn't mean I don't get nervous."

"Trust me, I'm right there with you. I hide it, but even I'm nervous."

She comments trying to turn it into a light topic, "Guess that's the thing about first loves, huh?"

I divert the topic all together, "Let's go see if we can cut the cake."

Here is to hoping that some dessert can take away some of the nerves churning my insides.


I hold the plate of cake walking up to Sanya from behind and offering it to her. She was sitting separately from everyone listening to her music. When she doesn't make any movement, I walk around the chair and realize her eyes are closed.

Did she fall asleep?

I gently pull her earplugs out and her eyes blink open. She sees me and then the cake and straightens up in her chair. She accepts it.

I slip my hands in my pockets as I make it known, "You didn't join us."

"Do I ever?"

It's hard to keep up with her moving back and forth from being comfortable with the social crowd, but I don't question it.

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