✤ 1.8 two can play ✤

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Posted August 16th, 2018

Sanya: 1.8 two can play

Rihaan holds my right hand while his comes to my back. I lift my left hand to his broad shoulder. I don't look up at him as standing right in front of him feels a bit awkward. Minutes ago, I was screaming at him. I was mad at him. Then, I was crying. I said I'd have never imagined. And now, I was the one suggesting a dance?

What was wrong with me? Where did my shy nature disappear off to?

And... did I really tell him I missed him?

With all that talking, I did come to that realization. I was mad, but I was more hurt and I was more hurt because I missed him.

The soft tune of the song fills the room and I let it calm my head, letting all thoughts to disappear and just feel in the moment. And these feelings... they are new and strange and yet welcoming.

I don't know what you can call us. Friends? More? What did he mean when he said what he felt for me was entirely different? Different than what?

It's never been said. It's always been unspoken. Does he even know what I feel for him? I'd convinced myself in these three months that we had nothing and he had no feelings for me but I think that was my anger talking. Now that he is in front of me again... I have no idea.

His hand on my back gently nudges me to sway to the music. Standing so close to him, it's impossible to not inhale the scent of his cologne every time I inhale. It's simply mixed in the air. Rich and entirely addictive.

This is good. A bit intimidating but good. Nervous but in a good way, I think.

Because my eyes keep darting past his shoulder, not knowing how to hold his gaze after my earlier words, I start to feel a bit dizzy. My hand slides down from his shoulder to his upper arm and he takes his cue to stop with the light movements of our feet.

He asks in a soft yet deep whisper, "What's wrong?"

I glance up at him to answer but that slightest movement of my head causes me to wince. My grip on his arm tightens as I use it to support myself and continue standing straight.

"San?" He says my name in confusion and moves back a little to put some space between our bodies so he can properly look at me.

I close my eyes, removing my hand from his arm to press my fingers lightly over my forehead. "I don't think alcohol agrees with my anti-anxiety meds." I answer as the dizziness continues into a blur and a sharp ringing in my ear.

I'd heard it isn't wise to mix alcohol with some drugs but I did not think I would ever need to pay attention since I did not drink. Now, I imagine I am about to pay for its consequences.

I can feel him stiffening as he is still holding my right hand. Concern and worry overtakes his entire being and he starts saying one after another thought, "Shit, I didn't think of that. Should I... I don't know. What should I do? How do you feel?"

First idea in my head: sit. I repeat that to him and he leads me backwards to a chair. It's a bit difficult to think straight. It's only recently that I agreed to take anxiety medication and even I have no idea what to do.

The side effects can't be that instantaneous, right?

He kneels in front of me, hands on my knees to get my attention when I don't answer. "San?"

I open my eyes and raise my brows trying to adjust to the brightness. "Just... drowsy." I manage to answer feeling shortness of breath. It must have affected my blood pressure, causing my heart rate to spike.

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