✤ 1.4 don't be a jerk✤

791 80 14

Posted July 11th 2018

| Sanya- don't be a jerk|

I cover a yawn with my palm as I sit in the class just before first period. Second day of school. I am not yet used to having to wake up early in the morning just as the sun wakes up too.

Seeing as to there is still ten minutes before the bell rings to start the class, I place my forehead on the table and close my eyes really wishing I could be in my bed right now sleeping.

My forehead pulls together in slight irritation when the classroom gets louder with influx of students. My peaceful moment is disturbed. There is already a feeling of helplessness inside of me making me want to give up already. I didn't want to put up with this. It makes me cranky. It makes me want to complain at all times and I don't like being that person.

Seconds later, I feel a presence at either side of me. I assume one of them could be Kriana and when I catch a scent of musky deodorant, know that the other person is Rihaan.

One of them pokes my shoulder. Even though my head is down, I can tell that was Kriana. "No," I answer in one word asking her to leave me alone.

When I feel my bag at my feet move, I open my eyes and blink a few ties to adjust to the brightness. In the blur, I catch Rihaan dropping something in the open zip. I lift my head to sit up.

At the move, he informs quietly. "Got you something."

Ah. He must have gone out somewhere last night afterwards. I don't understand how he can stay up late and still show up to school in morning looking this fresh but I know... I am only questioning it as I am unable to do that.

I press my lips together and nod in acknowledgement but make no attempt to check what he dropped in my bag. He returns my smile understanding I will eventually check it later.

The bell rings and seconds after, the teacher walks in. The second he starts taking attendance, I get bored and pick up my pen to start sketching. At first, I tap the pen between my index finger and thumb thinking what to sketch.

My mind flashes back to last night at the terrace and without a second thought, I start sketching what I remember of the night sky and the two constellations he had showed me.

Just as I am connecting the dots on Aquila to form the shape of the flying eagle, Kriana bumps her shoulder into mine. I sway over and smash into Rihaan, the pen drawing a line across the page. I look at her with a glare.

The teacher repeats, "Sanya Irani?"

Oh. That is why she bumped me.

I answer with a gulp, "P-present."

The teacher shakes his head at me in a condescending manner for not paying attention before moving on to call the next name on his list.

The thought that I'll have to start this sketch over is interrupted when I feel Rihaan's breath fanning my skin from behind me. I realize I am still touching him and hadn't moved away after I swayed in his direction.

I close my eyes to grasp this slight mortification and muster up the strength to move away from his body heat. "Sorry," I whisper an apology for it's the polite thing to do when you crash into someone, isn't it?

I don't look at him but there is this feeling of his eyes on me as he whispers back, "No problem."

My skin is still tingling from where it touched him and without conscious knowledge, I end up inhaling deeply and sharply through my abdomen.

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