✤ 1.34: Start of Us ✤

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Posted December 5th, 2018

Sanya: 1.34 - Start of Us 

Hailey asks, "Oh, do you play too?"

I shake my head not looking directly at her. "No, sadly I'm a hopeless case when it comes to music."

"Oh! Okay," she replies.

Rihaan notices the surprise in her curt words and questions it. "What?"

She comments, "Nothing, I just thought that since she is your girlfriend, she might be a musician too. I mean, it's common, you know? Singers with Singers. Actors dating each other. It's like being in the same profession means the other person understands our crazy routines, passions, and all that."

Rihaan counters with his perspective, "But how many of those relationships actually last? I don't need the person I am in a relationship with to reflect my mirror image. Just look at my parents. Sure, music has always been a part of their lives but that is not what keeps their relationship. They are still together because they shared a vision in life since they were perhaps younger than us. So, Sanya may not be musically inclined but when I play something with a message I want to get across and she understands that, then isn't that a biggest accomplishment for a musician? To have his audience connect to his message? Because let's face it, we don't play for other professionals. Our audiences are those who don't play an instrument or are singers. They are normal people. And if a common ground is still what is needed for a relationship to survive past the initial months, then Sanya and I share a creative talent. My art is music. Her art is painting. We both understand that language."

Hailey does not get to respond as a fourth person claps behind us. We all turn towards it to see a lady in her early 50's probably. She says, "Nicely put," as she walks to us. "It takes years of practice and exploring before a performer might decide who his audience is. You already know what you want."

Rihaan answers with uncertainty if that was meant as a good thing or not, "Uh, thank you?"

The lady forwards her hand, "I'm the program director, Susan DeMarco. Call me Susan though."

Neither Rihaan or I are used to calling someone older than us - especially those who may even be older than our own parents - by their first names. That is now how it works in our culture. So, though a bit awkwardly, Rihaan complies. "Hi, uh, Susan. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine," Susan replies humbly before turning to me, "And you must be the young lady who harassed my assistant into making this tour happen."

I blush while nodding, "Um, I'm sorry for that?"

She laughs, "Oh, no, dear. I was just joking. It was actually quite refreshing to see someone's girlfriend going to lengths to make this happen rather than the interested students themselves or their parents." She passes a comment to Rihaan, "I'd hold on to her if I were you."

I feel color continue to rise to my cheeks even as Rihaan cheekily smiles back while draping his arm around me, "Oh, I plan to."

Susan speaks to Hailey, "Thanks, Hailey. Why don't you get to your class now?"

"Ofcourse," Hailey says receiving her cue to leave. She passes a quick note to Rihaan, "It was really nice to meet you both. While you are here, and you have any questions for me, feel free to reach out."

"I will, thanks." Rihaan replies accepting her number.

Susan states after it is just the three of us, "So, Rihaan, which instrument have you received formal training on?"

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