✤ 1.33 surprises over sleep✤

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Posted December 1st, 2018

Rihaan: 1.33 surpises over sleep 

A week later, after we have spent visiting all the touristy places, we decide to take an easy day. Just do whatever impulsive thing we want to. It was one day in the itinerary she did not have planned.

My brows scrunch together on hearing the alarm. Why did Sanya keep an alarm for today?

I try to push it off, returning to my beautiful dream when Sanya sits up and as has been her habit for the past week, her hand reaches my shoulder to shake me awake. I grumble in a sleepy voice, "We are supposed to sleep in, love."

Instead of answering, she moans as she stretches. Oh, that little innocent sound. So ignorant she is of the little things she does. I hide my face in the crook of my arm. How am I supposed to go back to sleep?

"No, wake up. We have somewhere to be." She answers in between a yawn.

I reply in a hum and with closed eyes, reach for her with the intention of pulling her back to sleep. As her head falls back to the crook of my shoulder, I hitch my leg over hers to keep her there. I scold her lightly with a reminder, "We're on a vacation, Sanya."

I inhale and catch a whiff of her lingering perfume from the day before. I snuggle closer to her soft body, wrapping an arm around her in an embrace.

She sighs as her tiny hands rest on my forearm. "Rihaan..."

I try not to pay attention to her attempt to get me to release her. I am in my own world. Just wanting to keep her close to me. Spending a lazy day and attempting to change her mind. As much as I enjoy visiting all the various places with her and seeing that gleam in her eyes at everything she sees, taking in all the different views with such interest as if permanently adding them to her brain, I simply want to spend some down time with her.

Just the two of us. Nowhere to go. Nothing to do.

"I know it's a vacation, Rihaan, but today is very important. Are you listening?"

"Hmm." Important? What is today's date? Am I forgetting something?

"Yeah, so wake up na. I want to take you somewhere."

"Can't we go later?"

"No, I got an appointment and everything. Pulled a lot of strings to make it happen so please?"

My brows pull together as I open my eyes at her information. Appointment? Strings? "Where are we going?"

She smiles down mysteriously as I finally move my face to look at her, "You'll know when we get there. Surprise."

I can tell from her voice and her eyes. It really is important to her that we go wherever she wants to take me. At the word surprise, I realize I am curious. It may be the first time she's doing something for me.

A smile overtaking my face, I comment sitting up at once. "You should plan surprises more often."

Before she has a chance to reply, I press a deep kiss on her forehead and sprint out of bed. She laughs as a result and sits up herself. "Good morning to you too!"

"Yeah, yeah, good morning," I reply already on my way to the washroom, stumbling over her sneakers that she had recklessly left in the middle last night.

It really was a good morning, after all. It's not every day I get to wake up and hear these words from her.

I get ready in record time and when she goes to shower, I find myself knocking on the door every few minutes. "Hurry up!"

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